Quality Information Framework (QIF) Design and Strategy Meeting June 12-14, 2012 Hilton Head Island Dimensional Metrology Standards Consortium (DMSC) 1 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
DMSC Policy Statement Volunteer Agreement You hereby agree, by your participation in any activity of this standards committee (including committee meeting attendance, exchanges, phone conversations, or document generation), that you will not disclose any corporate confidential information or corporate trade secrets either verbally or in writing. Furthermore, any information disclosed to you in any activity of this standards committee, or disclosed to you in documents produced by this committee, will be provided to you for the sole purpose of establishing an industry-wide standard pursuant to the procedures prescribed by ANSI and ISO. You therefore agree not to use this information, or to collaborate in its use, in any manner that might suggest you have any proprietary rights to such information, such as rights to a patent, trademark, or copyright. Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC) 2
Agenda Purpose of this meeting Charge to attendees Preview/approve agenda QIF status presentation (including minutes of last meeting) Brief introductions and motivations Design and strategy content of meeting Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC) 3
QIF Design Meeting Purpose Refine the design of QIF - to enable each of the other working groups to develop specifications that will seamlessly integrate into the QIF framework. – Clarify scope and workflow model – Refine requirements – Push design state of newest application areas Review current status of outreach and generate a prioritized list of outreach strategy tasks. Update development strategy Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC) 4
Outputs Refine activity model and requirements for all QIF – Audience: QIF developers in Working Groups Users & solution developers and vendors, who want to learn about QIF and see if they should be using it Design – Requirements descriptions – Some data model advancement? – IMTS 2012 demo refinement? Pilot projects? 5 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
Outputs Strategy Recommendations to the Quality Management Systems Committee of DMSC – Prioritized actions items on a timeline – Audience DMSC Board DMS Committee and QIF WG members Near-future users of QIF? 6 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
Outputs Secondary Capture the expertise and involvement of stakeholders to generate: Requirements, business case needs List of technical issues to address after this meeting List of strategy issues to address after this meeting 7 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
Any matters that can be pursued by a smaller group via teleconference – Narrower scope – Narrow expertise – Document writing – Lower level technical details DMSC Organization QIF Design Meeting Out of scope or lower priority 8 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
QIF Design Meeting Preview of Topics Agree on agenda Status of QIF technical development and outreach Self introductions of attendees QIF-wide activity model and requirements Review of QMR status QMPlans WG Meeting Outreach status and strategy WG Meetings (QCDirectives, QMStatistics, QMRules, QMResources) Refine Design and Strategy Outputs 9 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
10 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC) hrsTUESDAYTopic Kickoff, finalize agenda Status of QIF Development Summary of May 2011 meeting results and review of minutes Data Model + Schemas (QIF library, QMResults, QMPlans) Documentation annotation inside schemas specification documents examples Pilot Projects {LMI, MTConnect} Outreach Brief attendee introductions and motivations Break The QIF Activity Model and QIF Requirements Review the model, incl technical scope. Get basic agreement. Approve it as a basis for ALL discussions of QIF scenarios and use cases. Scenario and Requirement Development Tools - goal is to arrive at some "standard" format o Discuss current "use case template" for further development, alternative, edited version of current template? QIF Design philosophy similar to recent Bob Brown Relational vs. hierarchical design investigation. Ask practitioners how they originate, publish, consume quality data. {Put this item somewhere else in the agenda?} Lunch QMResults WG Status Report Status report Traceability Issues -Requirements for Inspection and Process traceability -Scope -Workflow Next steps strategy QMPlans WG Meeting Status and near term plans Data Model Design o Requirements o Scope o Relationship to Rules IMTS 2012 Demo design
1 Wednesday 0830 Outreach - current status Review current strategy, discuss Comments on DMSC/QIF website IMTS demo QCDirectives WG Meeting Bridge between MBE and QIF Unicode for GD&T symbols Status of liaison to STEP Strategy, prioritized actions Break QMStatistics Design Scope, Requirements Work flow (activity model) Identify Scenarios, use cases Lunch QMRules Design Scope, Requirements Work flow (activity model) Identify Scenarios, use cases QMResources Design Scope, Requirements Work flow (activity model) Identify Scenarios, use cases 11 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
1 Thursday 0830 Parking Lot Issues from May 2010 Design issues questions unresolved at May 2011 meeting Items generated in this meeting Prioritized Recommendations on QIF Strategy Technical development Outreach 01130Adjourn 12 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
QIF Design Meeting Attendees This meeting is a product of the DMSC standards development process, thus open to the public Users and developers: Make sure your business case, functional needs, appear in the scenarios and requirements If you are a developer or vendor make sure your products’ functionalities are represented in the scenarios Make sure your questions get answered or go on the list Express your opinions 13 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
QIF Design Meeting 14 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)
End Kickoff Presentation Status of QIF Development is next 15 Dimensional Measurement Standards Consortium (DMSC)