College: KnowHow2Go What You Can Do in 8th Grade 1
2 Your Future
3 College Is Important for Your Goals Whatever your goals — changing the world or simply earning a good living to support a family — you will need to go to college. Jobs that require a bachelor’s degree will grow the fastest — nearly twice as fast as the national average. More than two-thirds of new jobs will require some postsecondary education or training — apprenticeships, two-year college, four-year college and beyond.
4 The More You Learn, the More You Earn Source: College Board, Education Pays 2004: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society.
5 The More You Learn, the More You Earn Source: College Board, Education Pays 2004: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society.
6 4 Steps You Need To Take To Get to College Push yourself Find the right fit Put your hands on some cash Find a caring adult to help
7 4 Steps You Need To Take To Get to College Push yourself Find the right fit Put your hands on some cash Find a caring adult to help
8 Push Yourself Take the right courses — Core 40: Set of courses you need to take to graduate from high school in Indiana Completing Core 40 gives you: Solid preparation for college and work Career options Opportunities for scholarships and financial aid You can do it! You can do it!
9 What Is Core 40? Course and credit requirements English/Language Arts 8 credits (Must include literature, composition and speech.) Mathematics (All students must take a math or physics course during junior or senior year.) 6 credits (Must include either Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II or Integrated Math series I, II and III.) Science 6 credits (Must include Biology I; Chemistry I, Physics I or Integrated Chemistry-Physics; and any Core 40 science course.) Social Studies 6 credits (Must include U.S. History; U.S. Government; Economics; and either World History/Civilization or Geography/History of the World.) Directed Electives 5 credits (world language, fine arts, career/technical) Physical Education 2 credits Health and Wellness 1 credit Electives 6 credits CCHS Requirements Computer Applications I (9), Careers (10), Personal Finance (11) Total 43 credits
10 Sample Four-Year Schedule Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English 9English 10English 11English 12 Algebra IAlgebra IIGeometryElective BiologyChemistry I, Physics I or Integrated Chemistry/Physics Core 40 ScienceElective World History Early & Modern or Geography/History of the World or AP World AP WorldU.S. HistoryGovernment/ Economics Health & Wellness Elective PE IPE IIPersonal FinanceElective Computer Apps. ICareersElective
11 Push Yourself: Go Beyond Core 40 Your high school schedule allows you to make a lot of choices: Take courses to explore — Career Academic Sequence. Take courses that challenge you. –Advanced Placement (AP) –Dual credit classes Earn distinguished high school diplomas. –Core 40 with Academic Honors –Core 40 with Technical Honors
12 Push Yourself To Achieve More Core 40 with Academic Honors All Core 40 requirements Plus … –2 additional Core 40 math credits –6–8 Core 40 world language credits –2 Core 40 fine arts credits –Grade of C or better in all required courses –GPA of B or better Choose/complete one:* AP courses/exams Dual high school/college courses from Core Transfer library Combination dual credit and AP courses/exams Score of 1200 or higher on SAT Score of 26 or higher on ACT IB courses/exams *See or your school counselor for more specifics.
13 Push Yourself To Achieve More Plus … –Related sequence of 8+ career-technical credits –Grade of C or better in all required courses –GPA of B or better *See or your school counselor for more specifics. Core 40 with Technical Honors All Core 40 requirements Choose/complete two (one must be A or B):* A.WorkKeys assessment/scores B.Dual high school/college credit in career-technical area C.Professional career internship D.Cooperative education E.Industry-based work experience F.State-approved industry-recognized certification
14 Keeping It All Straight: Career and Course Planner Plan and track your information on: Career interests The courses you need for graduation Your postsecondary education goals Checklists of things you need to do each year to prepare Available in print and online versions. Complete yours now and revisit it each year.
A.B.E.A.M.S. 15 ART, MEDIA, AND COMMUNICATIONS CLUSTER Journalism & Broadcasting/Video POS Performing Arts POS Visual Arts POS BUSINESS, FINANCE, MARKETING, AND CUSTOMER SERVICES Business, Management, & Administration POS Finance POS Marketing, Sales & Service POS ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY CLUSTER Architecture & Construction POS Information Technology POS Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math POS
A.B.E.A.M.S. AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURING, AND TRANSPORTATION CLUSTER Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources POS Manufacturing POS Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics POS MEDICAL AND HEALTH RELATED SERVICES CLUSTER Biotechnology Research & Development POS Therapeutic & Diagnostics Services POS SOCIAL, PERSONAL, AND PUBLIC SERVICES CLUSTER Education & Training POS Hospitality & Tourism POS Human Services POS Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security POS 16
17 Stay in School Graduating from high school most likely will determine how well you live for the rest of your life. High school dropouts: Are four times more likely than college graduates to be unemployed. Earn $300,000 less than high school graduates over their lifetime. Earn $1 million less than college graduates over their lifetime.
18 4 Steps You Need To Take To Get to College Push yourself Find the right fit Put your hands on some cash Find a caring adult to help
19 Find the Right Fit Start thinking about your future and careers. Different ways you can explore interests and match them with possible careers: Web sites – – Job shadowing Volunteering Clubs Electives (career/tech)
20 Start Thinking about College Now Check out college Web sites. Talk to your parents. Talk to friends. Talk to your school counselor. Visit college campuses. Public college Private college
21 4 Steps You Need To Take To Get to College Push yourself Find the right fit Put your hands on some cash Find a caring adult to help
22 Put Your Hands on Some Cash You can afford college. There are lots of resources to help you. Between now and senior year, you will get more information.
23 What You Can Do Now Read mini-magazines for information on paying for college. Attend programs in your community on how to pay for college. Take your parents. Apply Apply for 21st Century Scholars.
24 21st Century Scholars Students who are income eligible, stay in school and fulfill a pledge of good citizenship: Receive a tuition scholarship at participating Indiana colleges and universities. Also can get tutoring, mentoring and support to finish college. Must apply by end of 8th grade.
25 Consider Other Scholarships Many other scholarship programs as well. Increase your chances of getting a scholarship by: Joining a club Playing a sport Exploring the arts Volunteering
26 4 Steps You Need To Take To Get to College Push yourself Find the right fit Put your hands on some cash Find a caring adult to help
27 Find a Caring Adult To Help Everybody needs some help. Speak up. Be a pain, in a good way. Talk to a parent, school counselor, teachers, friend of the family, minister, youth group leader. Tell them you want to go to college — and ask them to help.
28 Checklist of Activities: 8th Grade 1. Push yourself Sign up for the right classes — Core 40 Take a learning styles assessment to find out how you can achieve more Focus on your classes and stay on top of homework assignments 2. Find the Right Fit Explore careers Join clubs, play sports and volunteer Start thinking about college 3. Put Your Hands on Some Cash Get your Social Security number — you’ll need it for college financial aid and job applications Apply for the 21st Century Scholars Program Do the Ready for the Real World activity Start thinking about college now 4. Find a Caring Adult To Help Attend your high school’s orientation session Discuss your future plans with your high school counselor and family Ask to visit colleges Bookmark
29 Your Future
30 More Resources Learn More Indiana Web site ( Help line ( ) Know How 2 Go Indiana Web site (