MECH1010 Engineer in Society
MECH1010 Engineer in Society: lecturers and topics Prof. Brian Duggan (and invited speakers) “Perception of Engineering and Roles of Engineers” Dr. Sam C. M. Hui “Engineers and Built Environment” Dr. Dennis Leung “Air and Water Pollution”
MECH1010 “Engineers and Built Environment” Educational Objectives To introduce the role of engineers in building and construction industry To develop basic understanding of building design and sustainable built environment Lecture sub-topics Building and Construction Engineers in the Building Sector Design of Building Systems Sustainable Built Environment
MECH1010 Teaching/Learning Methods Lectures Assigned readings (self) Class discussions Video presentation Assignments/Exercises Web-based study
MECH1010 Learning resources Textbooks Course website WebCT (for internal communication) Textbooks No required textbooks for this course. Further reading materials and useful references will be indicated over the course
Building and Construction MECH1010 – Engineer in Society Building and Construction Dr. Sam C M Hui Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Hong Kong E-mail: Mar 2008
In prehistoric times people built simple shelters to protect themselves from inclement weather, predatory animals, and other humans. As time passed and they learned more about building materials and methods, humans began to construct first huts, then castles and cathedrals, and ultimately skyscrapers and factories. [Source: "building construction." Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 2006. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. 18 Mar. 2006 <>]
Building process
Operation & maintenance - Inception - Feasibility Pre-design - Outline proposals Scheme design - Detail design Design - Production info. BQ, tender, planning Tender procedure - Operation on site Completion - Testing & commissioning Construction Operation & maintenance - Operation & Maintenance - Refurbishment Demolition/Disposal - Demolition/Disposal Building and construction process
“What do you know about building & construction in Hong Kong ?” Kyoto Face House, 1998
Building and Construction Hong Kong (overview) Well-known for rapid construction of high-rise apartment blocks and office towers Regional leader in some construction techniques Major types of services: Project management Contracting Engineering consulting Main markets: local, mainland China, Macau, Asia
High-rise buildings in Hong Kong
Hong Kong International Airport
Building and Construction Hong Kong’s construction sector Accounts for 4-5% of GDP and over 40% of total fixed capital formation, employs around 300,000 workers and professionals Around half of the 30,000 qualified engineers in HK work in the construction industry Three categories of construction activities: Buildings (residential, commercial and industrial/storage/service) Structure and facilities (transport, utilities and plant, environment, sports and recreation) Non-site activities (decoration, maintenance and repair, etc)
Building and Construction Major players Developers / Building owners Contractors (construction companies) Sub-contractors Building professionals (consulting) Architects, Engineers, Surveyors Common types of professional companies Architectural design, building services engineering, civil and geotechnical engineering, real estate surveying, structural engineering, multi-disciplinary
Building and Construction Related professions: Architect Builder (Main Contractor) Building Services Engineer Building Surveyor Civil Engineer Construction Manager Facility Manager General Practice Surveyor
Building and Construction Related professions: (cont’d) Landscape Architect Land Surveyor Project Manager Quantity Surveyor Structural Engineer Sub-contractor Urban Designer Town Planner
Building and Construction Video presentation: “Building Visions” (27 min.) Show some of the creative and inspiring career opportunities in the construction professions Architect Building Services Engineer Civil Engineer Quantity Surveyor Planner Structural Engineer
Exercise To know if you are suitable to work in the building and construction industry Career Test and Personality Profiler Left Brain Right Brain Test Lifeplanning [Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group]
Exercise Left Brain Right Brain Test Indicate your left - right brain preference, as well as your auditory - visual preference Lifeplanning [Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group] Life and career planning MBTI test Career tests Personality tests