· © 2012 Perspectives GmbH PoA Standards Courtney Blodgett Joint Coordination Workshop, Bonn 24 March 2012
· New PoA Standards Standard for demonstration of additionality, development of eligibility criteria and application of multiple methodologies for Programme of Activities -Approved EB 65 Also relevant: Standard for sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and programmes of activities -Approved EB 65 2
· Key challenges of PoA standards - timing Deadline of 25 July for uploading for registration -226 PoAs in validation* -15 PoAs submitted in February -Average time for start of comment period to requesting registration: 255 days, approximately 8.5 months -Average time from requesting registration until registration: 100 days (approximately 3.3 months) -= Already a tight schedule for being registered by High number of PoAs in non- LDCs: 32 PoAs in China, 27 in South Africa, 22 in India, 12 in Indonesia, 10 in Kenya Compliance with the standards adds further complications/ possible delays to validation 3 * March 2012 CDM Pipeline, UNEP Risoe
· Key challenges of PoA standards - Implementation Co-ordinating & Managing Entity (CME) Manual -Useful document for thinking long term -But adds significant complications during validation -20 – 40 page document -Adds a substantial amount of extra work (and therefore adds to the cost) during validation which adds to the 2012 time pressure -Currently no precedence for a CME manual -A standardized optional template would be useful for facilitating writing and validation 4
· Sampling and survey standards Single sampling plan covering a group of Component Project Activities (CPAs) now allowed -For micro or small scale PoAs applying a 95/10 confidence/precision -When there is either homogeneity of included CPAs or the differences among the included CPAs is taken into account in the sample size calculation -Highly relevant for i.e. energy efficient lighting and cookstove PoAs Reduces transaction costs by not needing to sample each and every CPA Very positive step: remains to be seen how DOEs apply the standards during validation 5
· © 2012 Perspectives GmbH Thank you! Courtney Blodgett +49 (0)