Rev. W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D. Executive Director Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations
Power Point
Bishop Michael Burbidge takes over the Committee from Archbishop Carlson this November Fr. John Guthrie, CCLV Associate Director
Priorities Implement Preaching the Mystery of Faith Revision of USCCB Guidelines on International Pastoral Ministers CCLV Statement on Psychology & Admissions Annual Themes for Ongoing Formation of Priests 2014: Sacrament of Penance Renewal of National Directory (2014) Renewal/Revision of PPF (2015) Culture of Vocations Youth, Campus, Young Adult Ministry/Ministers Increase Ethnic Diversity in Ordination/Profession Classes
Church Documents Homiletic Resources for USCCB & Holy See “Theme Sundays” Training Keynote Addresses / Panel Discussion from CCLV Seminar Workshop podcasts Other Resources
Youth involvement in Church is critical for vocations; Low encouragement reported from youth/young adult/ campus ministers; Underrepresentation of Hispanic/Latinos and strong representation of Asians. (67/15/10) Age: average 35.5, median 32 26% have college debt; average $20,000
Shorter version than originally anticipated (8-10 pages) Psychology section is complete Canonical and civil law material in process Anticipating a March 2014 release
Program of Priestly Formation, 5 th edition, expires December 2015 Consultation has begun with key constituencies NCDVD NACS MATS FSSD Rectors New CCLV Committee will make a recommendation to the body of Bishops in June 2015 From Catholic Education to Clergy: Change in competence could be a factor
Liturgical and Spiritual Formation
Not Internal Forum Canonical concerns about mixing “internal forum matter” with an external forum Civil statutes regarding mandatory reporting Concern for “group counseling/ therapy” without the care of an appropriately licensed professional