10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...1 Preparing for Access 2000 Windows 2000/Office 2000 Roll-out
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...2 Transition Schedule DeSC will begin converting in January Transition will take 6-8 months. DeSC will work with departments to schedule.
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...3 Transition Timeline
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...4 Preparing for a Smooth Transition Access database need to be addressed in advance –Communicate with departments –Identify Access databases on campus
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...5 Transition to Office 2000 New computers and those upgraded will use MS Office 2000 Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook file formats remain unchanged! –Sharing files between 97 versions and 2000 versions will work! –Some features available only in the 2000 versions will not work in the 97 versions.
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...6 Splitting Access Databases How (and Why) To Do It CIT/DeSC Orientation for Department Managers 10/26/00
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...7 What is a Database? The Data –Tables –Records –Fields Everything Else –The User Interface –Forms –Reports –Queries –Application Envt. –Macros –Programming Code
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...8 What is ‘Splitting’ and Why Should I Do It? Client-Server Architecture –Front end (client), the part of the database that users see, is in one file… –Back end (server), the data, is in a different file. –Two files can reside on different computers – e.g. back end on a server, front end on users’ computers Why Split? –Only way to have users running different versions of Access use and manipulate the same data. –Both Access 97 and Access 2000 clients can use an Access 97 server (but A97 clients cannot use an A2000 server).
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...9 Two Models for a Split Database Shared Client2000 Server User Shared Client Model (few users) Server User Individual Client User Individual Client Model (many simultaneous users) Network Local Shared Client97
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...10 Which Model To Use? Shared Client Model –One user at a time –All users, server, and client are on the same machine, OR –Fast workstations and server, so performance is not a constraint –All users have same security permissions Individual Client Model –Multiple, simultaneous users –Different users have different security levels –Mixed-version (A97 & A2000) environment
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...11 Before You Split Establish a permanent site for the server (we recommend \\ntfileshare\shares) Decide on a model (single/multi-client) Plan any necessary customizations Make a backup copy!!!!
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...12 Splitting the Database 1. Use Access dB Splitter to create ‘front- end’ (client), ‘back end’ (server). Leave the back end in Access Make a copy of the master client (Access 97) and convert it to Access Make copies of the 97 and 2000 master clients as needed, and move the copies to the point(s) of use
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...13 The Database Splitter Tools|Add-Ins|Database Splitter –Save Back-End (Server) to pre-selected location –Default server name is ‘ _be.mdb’ –Front-end (client) will automatically be saved with same name and location as original database –Use UNC names for links (e.g., \\ntfileshare\politics\jobsearch_be.mdb)
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...14 If you Need to Move a Server… (Linked Table Manager) Copy the server to the new location (do not just move it!) For each client: –Tools|Add-Ins|Linked Table Manager –Check the box next to every table –As the File|Open dialog comes up for each table, type the new (UNC) server location –Save client Delete the old server copy
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...15 Maintenance Issues Links are permanent – losing your connection to the server will break them only until the connection is restored If the server is inaccessible, the client cannot open You can use the Linked Table Manager to repair broken links Keep master client copies, propagate changes by dissemination
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...16 Conversion Issues Simple Access 97 databases (no macros, no special programs) convert fine Databases with program code (macros or VBA) may or may not have problems (most do not) Problems can range from trivial and easy-to-fix to crucial and difficult-to-fix The only way to know is to try. Do this well in advance of January 2001!
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...17 Preparing for Access 2000 Split your database Visit CIT cluster and upgrade front-end to Access 2000: –Identify any upgrade issues Make available two versions of front-end –Both versions use the same data
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...18 Who needs to take these steps? Access database administrators. Anyone who manages a database that is used by more than one person (including the database manager!). Even if the database is used only in your department, you must split the database and test the conversion prior to January.
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...19 Additional Resources Access Users Group DeSC web site – Microsoft web site –support.microsoft.comsupport.microsoft.com
10/26/00Splitting Access Databases...20 Slides available online: Thanks for Attending!