Career & Technical Student Organizations CTSOs
Trish Zugg Business/IT Instructor CTSO Advisor CTE Grant/Budget Administration MS – Vocational Ed. (thesis was curriculum development and standards alignment) Past-President Alaska ACTE blah blah blah……….. I’m one of you!
Objectives This presentation on CTSOs What are they? Who can participate? Specific options for your career cluster Why would you want to have these? How the heck?
Your own footer See Your Handout! WHAT? As defined by Dept of Ed./OVAE Thus it is not Ocean Bowl, Science Olympiad, Academic Decathalon…etc.
WHAT? Founded in 1928, the Future Farmers of America brought together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education. In Kansas City's Baltimore Hotel, 33 young farmboys charted a course for the future. They could not have foreseen how the organization would grow and thrive. The need for recruiting the best and brightest to the teaching profession has been apparent since at least the early 1930s. Through various name changes and changes to the sponsoring organization, through disbanding and rebirth, the Future Educators Association fills an important role in the life of the United States by recruiting teachers to meet the need that has been recognized by presidents and leaders throughout the decades In July, the Vocational Office Education Clubs of America (VOECA) was formed by the states of Iowa, Kansas, and Wisconsin. In August, VOECA convened a meeting of youth group representatives to decide the most effective means to implement the office occupations youth group. After intensive effort, articles of incorporation were filed for the Office Education Association (OEA). The first three states to affiliate were Iowa, Kansas, and Wisconsin. (BPA) 1966 VICA membership was 29,534 in 1,074 clubs in 26 chartered states and territories. (now SkillsUSA) FHA was founded at a convention in Chicago, Illinois. With over a 60 year history, DECA has impacted the lives of more than ten million students, educators, school administrators and business professionals since it was founded in — First Board of Directors of AIASA, Inc. elected in February. (TSA) History of CTSOs…..
WHAT? Key Components of CTSOs…. Personal Growth & Leadership Civic Contribution Skills Assessment Friendship & Opportunity
WHY? Students get inspired and enthusiastic when they receive recognition for applying their knowledge!
Why? Extend classroom learning (rigor) Build student confidence for using their knowledge and skills Provide social and travel opportunities to members (relationships) Why…..…because there is decision making, problem solving, and self-confidence building in a low risk environment (Employability Skills)
Why? Scholarships Opportunity to explore careers Achievement outside of classroom (relevance) Connections to transitions to post-secondary Scientifically research on benefits (not just anecdotal)
Why? Resume Materials –Leadership positions held –Community service hours –Competition placement –Professional development (certs., trainings)
Why? Meet industry folks, judges, sponsors, mentors State & National level leadership Tons of resources Exposure to possible 3 rd party assessments that can link to funding YOUR own professional development …….
Who? Middle Schools, High Schools, Post-secondary…. Students enrolled in CTE courses! All levels of learners (peer mentoring opportunity) Big schools, little schools, traditional schools, pathway schools, you name it! Who does this????
Express a desire to start a chapter to: school admin district admin state advisor (pick the CTSO that fits your career cluster area) How the heck!
How the heck! & Specific options for your career cluster Start a chapter Guides….. Look at this sample guide: Look at competition lists for each CTSO now!
Have a pizza lunch for all students interested!
Start slow and simple… Elect officers (should be student run) Once a month meetings Program of Work Simple goal of State Conference the 1 st year Invite other chapter officers/members for Q&A FUTURE: Dress, Civics, and yes FUNDRAISING! How the heck!
Important Contacts in Alaska How the heck! & Specific options for your career cluster
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