Kenora OPP 2014 Year End Report
Challenges in 2014 Alcohol and drug use - continue to fuel violence, property crime, street crime and disorder. Repeat offenders – There was a large increase in break and enters in Repeat offenders who were recently released from custody were responsible for the majority of the increase. Apartment buildings with high crime – There are several locations in the city with high rates of crime and disorder.
City of Kenora Total Incidents 15,78415,79915,18313,50214,887 Violent Crimes Property Crimes
Total Detachment Occurrence Information Total Inciden ts 19,54219,15118,44816,44717,991 Violent Propert y
City of Kenora - Serious Violent Crime Offence Murder00100 Assault Level Assault Level Assault Police Robbery Sexual Offences
City of Kenora - Property Crimes Offence Break and Enter Theft Over Theft of Auto Theft Under Shoplift (incl. in above) Mischief
City of Kenora - Crime Clearance Rates Offence Property36.3%31.5% 32.4% (OPP prov. avg. 24%) 31.7%33% Violent81.3%83.4%81.1% (OPP prov. avg. 92%) 85.3%89%
Crisis and Disorder Liquor Licence Act Disturb the peace Unwanted persons Mental Health Trouble with Youth Missing/run away youth TOTALS
Offender Management: Crime Abatement Strategy Compliance Checks Charges resulting from compliance checks Total Bail/Probation violations
City of Kenora Traffic Collision s Fatal collision s Impaired drivers
Community Policing Community Mobilization and Engagement
Crime Prevention Through Social Development Support agencies to focus on addressing addictions – alcohol derivatives, alcohol and drugs. Supporting mental health initiatives Supporting youth and strengthening families Strong community collaboratives – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Task Force Support to Drug Treatment Court Support to Mental Health Court Support to proposed Managed Alcohol Program Support to SNAP program
Hours of Service and Overtime Reportable Total Hours 79,51375,97574,83082,35784,817 Reportable OT Hours Provincial Units Hours ,
Detachment Staffing Out of 74 Constables 7 Vacancies 4 on long term leave 1 secondment
Focus 2014 Focus on high risk repeat offenders Continue to reduce violent crime and victimization Reduce property crimes Continue to address street crime and disorder Highway, marine, snow-machine, ATV safety Community collaboratives – Partnerships, Relationships and Collaboration to support strategies to address the root causes of crime and disorder. Community Safety and well being plan.
Other Priorities False alarms Chronic runaway youth Predictive crime analysis Highway Enforcement