IDENTITY THEFT By: Jessica Rodriguez
Info on Identity Theft Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the USA. The number of cases nationwide in the past five years is 27.3 million.
So How Do They Get It? Garbage Cans s Unprotected on- line purchases Store clerks
Actions Of The Thieves Credit Cards Loans Open accounts under your name Criminal Records They can become YOU!!!
What Happens To The Victims? The problem is yours Credit bureaus don’t help Denial of loans Emotionally distressed Personally Violated
Do’s Shred all personal information Close all unused accounts Keep your ATM pin hidden Check your credit report regularly Update computer software, use a secure browser, and install firewall protection
Don’ts Give personal info away Carry your SSN in your wallet Put your SSN on checks or other ways to identify you
New Law A shredding law will soon be in effect All employers must shred personal info If not, you will be fined up to $1,000 per employee
What To Do visit
Resources Articles from lexis nexis database UPI and Albuquerque Tribune