CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Current Issues Ms. Lancee
Class discussion… what crimes are the most taboo? Why? Why?
Create-a-Criminal. As we go through this power point you will create a criminal. Similar to a body biography, you will draw a person and as we go through you will symbolically “tell your criminals story”. (White collar vs. Blue Collar etc) As we go through this power point you will create a criminal. Similar to a body biography, you will draw a person and as we go through you will symbolically “tell your criminals story”. (White collar vs. Blue Collar etc) I will give you 10 minutes to draw your criminals “basic form”. Use the body bio pic if you need to… I will give you 10 minutes to draw your criminals “basic form”. Use the body bio pic if you need to…
Out of curiosity… how many of you made your criminal male???
Use symbols to give the following information about your criminal. Level of education. Level of education. What crime did he/she commit? What crime did he/she commit? Why did he/she commit the crime (Ex: robbed a store because needed money to feed children) Why did he/she commit the crime (Ex: robbed a store because needed money to feed children) Age of your criminal Age of your criminal
Three Types of Crime Crimes against property. (Vandalism, theft, arson etc) Crimes against property. (Vandalism, theft, arson etc) Crimes against people. (Murder, rape) Crimes against people. (Murder, rape) Crimes against morality. (Prostitution, gambling, etc. Crimes against morality. (Prostitution, gambling, etc. Choose a crime for your criminal…
Blue-collar vs. white collar crime WHITE COLLAR CRIMES involve money and are usually committed by the educated in the workplace. Some call them “clean crimes” WHITE COLLAR CRIMES involve money and are usually committed by the educated in the workplace. Some call them “clean crimes” BLUE COLLAR CRIMES are all other crimes and any crime committed using violence. BLUE COLLAR CRIMES are all other crimes and any crime committed using violence.
Blue collar or white collar? Embezzling money from the safe at your work. Embezzling money from the safe at your work. Holding someone up at gun point. Holding someone up at gun point. Stealing credit cards and using them. Stealing credit cards and using them. Insider stock trading (Martha Stewart) Insider stock trading (Martha Stewart) Beating someone up at a football game. Beating someone up at a football game. Insurance fraud. Insurance fraud.
Types of Crime FELONY: a serious criminal offense. Under federal law it is any offense punishable by imprisonment for OVER ONE YEAR or punishable by death. FELONY: a serious criminal offense. Under federal law it is any offense punishable by imprisonment for OVER ONE YEAR or punishable by death. MISDEMEANOR: a criminal offense lesser than a felony and generally punishable by fine or by imprisonment other than in a penitentiary. MISDEMEANOR: a criminal offense lesser than a felony and generally punishable by fine or by imprisonment other than in a penitentiary. PETTY: a small crime with no jail time and a fine of under $100 PETTY: a small crime with no jail time and a fine of under $100
MANSLAUGHTER The killing of another without intent to kill… it’s an accident but someone is dead. The killing of another without intent to kill… it’s an accident but someone is dead. Voluntary= upon sudden impulse. Voluntary= upon sudden impulse. Example… you get into a street fight and someone falls and hits head and dies. Example… you get into a street fight and someone falls and hits head and dies. Involuntary= during the commission of an unlawful act not ordinarily expected to result in great bodily harm. Involuntary= during the commission of an unlawful act not ordinarily expected to result in great bodily harm. Example… you rob a bank and in the get away attempt you hit and kill a pedestrian. Example… you rob a bank and in the get away attempt you hit and kill a pedestrian.
MURDER The unlawful killing of a human being with deliberate intent to kill. You mean to do it. The unlawful killing of a human being with deliberate intent to kill. You mean to do it. First Degree: murder that is premeditated… it is thought out and carefully planned. First Degree: murder that is premeditated… it is thought out and carefully planned. Second Degree: murder characterized by a sudden and instantaneous intent to kill or to cause injury without caring whether the injury kills or not. Second Degree: murder characterized by a sudden and instantaneous intent to kill or to cause injury without caring whether the injury kills or not. Example: you get into a fight with a spouse… you are jealous and you go to find the person he/she was cheating with. Example: you get into a fight with a spouse… you are jealous and you go to find the person he/she was cheating with.
CAPITAL MURDER Capital means punishable by death. Capital means punishable by death. Not all states have the death penalty. Not all states have the death penalty. Many feel it is a human rights violation. Many feel it is a human rights violation. A crime is a capital crime in some states if: A crime is a capital crime in some states if: a. The person murdered was in a special class such as a police officer or child. a. The person murdered was in a special class such as a police officer or child. b. “special circumstances” occurred in the crime such as use of poison or torture. b. “special circumstances” occurred in the crime such as use of poison or torture.
States with/ without death penalty
Murder by Numbers Murder rates are highest at night… beginning at night they climb steadily and reach their peak at 11:00 Murder rates are highest at night… beginning at night they climb steadily and reach their peak at 11:00 Historically young males (18-24) have the highest rate for committing murder. Historically young males (18-24) have the highest rate for committing murder. Colombia has the most murders per capita. Colombia has the most murders per capita. United States is #24, Japan and Iceland are lowest. United States is #24, Japan and Iceland are lowest. Georgia is currently #9 on the state per capita list. Georgia is currently #9 on the state per capita list. National Crime Index does not rate by city anymore, but the last ranking in 2002 put Washington D.C. at the top, followed by L.A. National Crime Index does not rate by city anymore, but the last ranking in 2002 put Washington D.C. at the top, followed by L.A.
What kinds of crimes are being committed???? Marietta has 62,215 and as of 2009… Marietta has 62,215 and as of 2009… 331 violent crimes 331 violent crimes 6 murders 6 murders 120 assaults 120 assaults 2,371 property crimes 2,371 property crimes 426 burglaries 426 burglaries 1,548 incidents of theft. 1,548 incidents of theft. 397 cars stolen. 397 cars stolen.
Stay out of trouble… it will catch up with you!!!!! Give your criminal an appropriate sentence… what is his/her consequence? Give your criminal an appropriate sentence… what is his/her consequence?
There are some stupid laws too… GA: Horses can’t be in bathtubs. GA: Horses can’t be in bathtubs. GA: No one can carry an ice-cream cone on Sunday and in Marietta no lemonade on the courthouse steps. GA: No one can carry an ice-cream cone on Sunday and in Marietta no lemonade on the courthouse steps. AL: Illegal to wear a fake moustache in church AL: Illegal to wear a fake moustache in church AL: bullets can not be used as currency. AL: bullets can not be used as currency. MS: $25.00 fine for offensive flirting. MS: $25.00 fine for offensive flirting. AK: Illegal to push a moose out of a plane. AK: Illegal to push a moose out of a plane. CT: Fine for mislabeling a cucumber as a squash is $50.00 CT: Fine for mislabeling a cucumber as a squash is $50.00
FL: In Orange County it is illegal for unwed couples to live together. FL: In Orange County it is illegal for unwed couples to live together. FL: Illegal to sing at the beach in a swimsuit. FL: Illegal to sing at the beach in a swimsuit. KY: Penalty for horse theft is death KY: Penalty for horse theft is death IA: A one armed piano player cannot charge a fee. IA: A one armed piano player cannot charge a fee. KS: Throw an egg at someone, get one year in prison. KS: Throw an egg at someone, get one year in prison. MI: Illegal for a woman to cut her hair without her husbands permission. MI: Illegal for a woman to cut her hair without her husbands permission. WORST LAW OF ALL… In Arkansas, a man may legally beat his wife, but only once a month!!!!! WORST LAW OF ALL… In Arkansas, a man may legally beat his wife, but only once a month!!!!!