New Mexico Municipal Courts DWI Data Overview and Processes June 2008 Municipal Court Automation Program New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts Judicial Information Division
Required by statute § (1994) requires each municipal court to be capable of providing on a timely basis electronic records of convictions for DWI and domestic violence. Related legislation provides for reimbursement of automation expenses. Data Sharing Law enforcement Courts District and city attorneys Public Why Report DWI?
The DWI disposition report is generated by your court software and combined into a zip file of the form mmddyy is the month, day, and year crtu is your court’s assigned abbreviation, i.e., alau “u” is for municipal DWI Disposition Report
The zip file is sent to Municipal Court Automation by one of the following processes. QFTP or any other FTP client you prefer Windows Explorer with Internet Explorer If all else fails, Provide DWI status on a monthly basis. Court’s reporting history is taken into consideration by the Automation Committee for reimbursement approvals. Zip File Process
Zip file checked for completeness and data integrity Zip file uploaded to an intermediate server Text files extracted from the zip file Data uploaded to muni court database on JID server Numbers of cases uploaded recorded for each court Court contacted if errors occurred Data copied to additional servers for publication DWI Data Process
DWI Data Flow
Cases from the municipal court database are transferred by a trigger-driven process to the state’s Central Repository, where they become available for official use and public lookup. It may take a few days to synchronize the databases. Cases available for public lookup exclude sealed and restricted information. - publicly available lookup tool - for official use only - for municipal courts DWI Data Lookup
DWI Data Flow