The software has to be fun and the equipment needs to be suitable for the class. Nick Seidenberg
Software that allows video recording in the classroom to help correct simple mistakes. Improve communication between students and teacher because of visual support. Share-Easily share knowledge between students and teacher Dart fish also allows the teacher to publish videos analysis of exercises into clear, easy to use documents.
Cross-Trak is very easy and simple way to track your fitness daily. Log a full day of workouts in less than two minutes Record daily sleep, body weight, resting heart rate and calorie intake. Logs for any sport, Graphs and charts make this product suitable for any student or coach
Main goal is to get the most out of your training Spend less time looking at numbers and more time reaching your athletic goals. Best part is that Crosstrak is free, simply Register and download the file. This product is perfect for students and gives them the challenge that they need.
No Excuses now, Track your diet and workouts daily. Also monitor your health and get clear results on your efforts and results This product is about losing weight and understanding what our body requires. All you have to do is download to a computer or or even your phone. Great product when you can easily track your body fat and blood pressure.
Fun to use for young students.
Cheap product that makes doing crunches easier and more simpler. All students care about there mid section and this product provides the motivation that a normal crunch does not do. Crunchstrips are great and cheap at only 3 dollars a piece. A great piece of equipment to be utilized in physical education class.
A piece of technology that is fun and is pleasing to school students. It brings the boring gaming life to excitement and calorie burning fun. A sensor device that hooks up to the Xbox and allows movement and exercising techniques.
Other applications for Kinect include ESPN, Netflix, and hula-plus. At Just dollars our school can have this feature and multiple games for enhancing exercise for many school years.
Similar to Kinect,but this is only avaible for Wii. Excellent, as Wii-fit is a platform that both your feet stand on. Teaches Movement, flexibility, and balance in a exciting way.
Contains more than 40 activities that involve yoga, strength, aerobic, and balance. This type of software is needed in school because it provides excitement. Even though Wii-fit is similar to the gym, students see it as a game.
As for only $90 our school can provide fun and excitement exercising techniques for years to come. A regular Gym doesn’t appeal to average student, But Wii-Fit will appeal to almost everyone.