Jodi Humann, Stephen Ficklin, Taein Lee, Chun-Huai Cheng, Jill Wegrzyn, David Neale and Dorrie Main A web-based platform for genome annotation GenSAS Poster P1153, Monday, 3-4:30 PM Gen ome S equence A nnotation S erver
GenSAS welcome tab provides users with a quick overview of what each of the three screen sections do.
Each tab has an instructions section at the top that explains the function and use of the tab.
The addition of support files increase the accuracy of the annotation and curation
Clicking on Job Name shows user more details and allows for download of raw output files and logs
Decide which set(s) of masking data will be included in consensus by opening WebApollo through link on right Masking step can also be skipped
Consensus masking job is added to Job Queue and the details list which sets of masking data were included.
Settings for each tool can be adjusted Job Names for each tool can be changed to allow users to run the same tool with different settings under one project
GenSAS provides some standard transcript and protein databases Databases added by user under Files step will also be available for use here
Job status can be monitored through Job Queue Progress through GenSAS is automatically saved Users can log off GenSAS and jobs will continue running While jobs are running, users can look at the completed results in WebApollo/JBrowse
GenSAS exports data in GFF3 and FASTA formats
Supported by - NRSP 10