Functional Encryption: An Introduction and Survey Brent Waters
2 Pre-Public Key Cryptography Established mutual secrets Small networks SK
3 The world gets bigger Internet – Billions of users Unsustainable
4 Public Key Cryptography Public Key Encryption [DH76,M78,RSA78,GM84] Avoid Secret Exchange SK PubK
5 Data in the Cloud : Another Turning Point? Cloud is growing Encryption a must LA Times 7/17: City of LA weighs outsourcing IT to Google LAPD: Arrest Information Sensitive
6 Rethinking Encryption OR Internal Affairs AND Undercover Central Who matches this? Am I allowed to know? What if they join later? Should they see everything? Process data before decryption? Problem: Disconnect between policy and mechanism
7 Attribute-Based Encryption [SW05] PK MSK “Undercover” “Central” “Undercover” “Valley” OR Int. Affairs AND UndercoverCentral OR Int. Affairs AND Undercover Central SK Key Authority Á =
8 First Approach & Collusion Attacks SK Sarah : “A” SK Kevin : “B” AND A B PK A SK B PK B SK A E A (R)E B (M © R) R ? M © R M Collusion Attack! Allowed Collusion [S03, MS03, J04,BMC06]
9 Collusion Attacks: The Key Threat Kevin: “Undercover” “Valley” OR Int. Affairs AND Undercover Central James: “Central” “Parking” Need: Key “Personalization” Tension: Functionality vs. Personalization
10 Key Personalization (Intuition) SK Kevin: “Undercover” … James: “Central” … Random t Random t’
11 Making it work (sketch) OR Internal Affairs AND UndercoverCentral Personalized Randomization Secret Share in Exponent Pairing 1 st Step Combine “Personalized” Shares Final: “Unpersonalize”
12 Is this what we need? Descriptive Encryption T.M. is more powerful “All or nothing” decryption (no processing)
13 Functional Encryption Functionality: f( ¢, ¢ ) Public Params Authority MSK Key: y 2 {0,1}* X SK y CT: x 2 {0,1} * f(x,y) Security: Simulation Def.
14 What can I do? SK
15 What could F.E. do? SK
16 IBE : Where it started Key: y 2 {0,1}* X SK Y CT: x = (M,ID) f( x=(M,ID), y) = S84, BF01, C01… M, ID if y = ID ID if y ID “Annotated”
17 Attribute-Based Encryption Key: y 2 {0,1} n (boolean variables) X SK Y CT: x = (M, Á ) f( x=(M, Á ), y) = SW05, GPSW06, C07, BSW07, OSW07, GJPS08, W08 M, Á if Á (y) = true Á if Á (y) = false “Annotated”
18 Attribute-Based Encryption Key: y 2 {0,1} n (boolean variables) X SK Y CT: x = (M, Á ) f( x=(M, Á ), y) = SW05, GPSW06, C07, BSW07, OSW07, GJPS08, W08 M, Á if Á (y) = true Á if Á (y) = false “Annotated” “Ciphertext Policy”
19 Attribute-Based Encryption Key: y = Á X SK Y CT: x = (M, X 2 {0,1} n ) f( x=(M,X ), y) = SW05, GPSW06, C07, BSW07, OSW07, GJPS08, W08 M, Á if Á (X) = true X if Á (X) = false “Annotated” “Key Policy”
20 Anonymous IBE & Searching on Encrypted Data Key: y 2 {0,1}* X SK Y CT: x 2 {0,1} * f( x, y) = BDOP04: Boneh-Franklin is anonymous ABCKKLMNPS05 : defs. BW06 : Standard Model 1if y = x 0 otherwise
21 Conjunctive Search [BW07, SBCSP07] Key: y = (y 1, …, y n ), y i 2 {0,1} * [ ? X SK Y f( x=, y) = Cancellation techniques -> AND Must not learn intermediated result! 1if 8 y i ?, y i = x i 0 otherwise CT: x = (x 1, …, x n ), x i 2 {0,1} *
22 Inner Product & ORs [KSW08] Key: y = (y 1, …, y n ) 2 Z N n X SK Y f( x, y) = OR –- Bob OR Alice -- p(z)=(A-z)(B-z) Increased Malleability! Subgroups 1If x ¢ y =0 0 otherwise CT: x = (x 1, …, x n ) 2 Z N n
23 Three Directions
Functionality Current: Inner Product Natural Limits? Fully Homomorphic Enc? --- Can’t do IBE Annotated: Hide What (Message), Not Why Expect more progress
Proofs of Security “Partitioning” [BF01, C01, CHK03, BB04, W05] Simulator ID Space Priv. Key Space Challenge Space ID 1 ID 2 … … ID Q ID * (challenge ID) Balance: Challenge Space 1/Q => 1/Q of no abort
Structure gives problems! 2-level HIBE Balance: Depth d HIBE=> 1/Q ABE, … similar problems “Selective Security” Declare X * before params
Moving Past Partitioning G06, GH09 Simulator 1-key per identity – always looks good Augmented n-BDHE W09 Dual System Encryption Hybrid over keys “Simple” Decision Linear LSW09 ABE solution
28 Multiple Authorities Á = :Friend :Student AND Problem: Disparate organizations Central Authority + Certs? Central Trust+ Bottleneck C07: C.A. (no order), GlobalID, AND formulas
Summary Rethink Encryption Describe Target “Evaluate” vs. “Decrypt” a Ciphertext Functional Encryption Ideal: Any Functionality “Lens” or common framework Progress, but still much to do
30 Thank you