Campus Safety The Sullivan University System There were no hate crimes reported that fit any reportable crime bias categories. In accordance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, the Sullivan University System provides crime statistics and information regarding its security program to prospective students, current students, and employees. The Sullivan University System Crime Category Year Spencerian Campus Housing Annual Report Campus Security and Crime Awareness Public Property LEXINGTON CAMPUS Spencerian Arson Aggravated Assault 1___ _ _ Burglary _ Criminal Damage _ Negligent Manslaughter _ Menacing _ Motor Vehicle Theft _ Murder _ Reckless Homicide _ Robbery _ Sex Offenses (Forcible) _ Sex Offenses Non-forcible _ Stalking _ Terroristic Threatening _ Theft _ Wanton Endangerment _ Weapons Violation __ Liquor Law Referrals _ Drug Abuse Referrals _ Liquor Law Arrests _ Drug Abuse Arrests _ Updated
Annual Notice It is the policy of The Sullivan University System to inform prospective students and current employees about campus security at the time of application for employment or admission. Current employees and students will be notified at least annually thereafter. College Policy Potential criminal actions and other emergencies on campus can be reported to the public safety department by dialing extension 0 on any campus telephone or by using the red public safety hotline phone in the student lounge. The College’s commitment to its students’ safety is also reflected in the maintenance of its buildings and grounds. The maintenance staff inspects all facilities regularly and responds immediately to reports of potential safety and security hazards, such as broken windows and locks. Public Safety Officers are available to escort students or employees to their vehicles upon request. Any and all criminal actions detected during operating hours must be reported to The Sullivan University System Public Safety Department where an officer will assume responsibility for documenting and responding to the situation. Criminal actions detected after normal hours should be reported immediately. All complaints will be investigated in a prompt, impartial and confidential manner. Local law enforcement authorities may be involved if necessary, or upon request. Department of Public Safety Campus safety and security are coordinated by the Department of Public Safety. The department’s safety officers have over 29 years of combined law enforcement experience. The Department of Public Safety works closely with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Police Department and state and federal agencies. The college will issue warning reports to the campus community, if necessary, in order to prevent similar crimes. Warning reports will also be issued if a crime or pattern of crimes represents a threat to any member of the campus community. Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, Sexual Assault: University Policy states that no student, employee, or guest may possess, use, or sell liquor, weapons, or illegal drugs on campus. Weapons possession is only allowed for those who are required to possess weapons for employment purposes, such as police and public safety officers. Liquor is only permissible if used in a formal teaching environment. See the Student handbook, the Sullivan University Faculty and Staff Manual, and The College and You: Uniting Against Drug Abuse pamphlet for more information. These publications are available in the Administrative Office and contain information on the Institution’s Sexual Assault Policy. Personal Safety Individuals should always remain aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious or odd activity to a member of the Public Safety Staff. Furthermore, the University affirms the right of individuals to protect themselves against imminent danger. Educational seminars are available on various safety and security issues through the Director of Student Services. Reported Crimes In compliance with the relative legislation, Spencerian College reports campus and housing crime statistics each year covering the past three years. We also report crimes that have occurred on the public streets and property surrounding the campus. There are no procedures for the filing and reporting of anonymous crime reports or complaints. In compliance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSCPA), all students, staff, faculty, and visitors are advised that information may be obtained about convicted sex offenders at the following locations. These databases are state-wide and are believed to be comprehensive in nature, containing any information maintained on sex offenders who may be enrolled or employed at Spencerian College. The States of Kentucky and Indiana maintain sex offender information at: and Other state registries may be accessed through \ \ Questions regarding this report should be directed to the Director of Public Safety, Spencerian College, 1575 Winchester Rd. Lexington, KY The Sullivan University System admits students of any race, creed, sex, handicap, or national or ethnic origin. Spencerian Dispatch Office