T store Developer Support Plan Sample (Game Title) (Company) (Contact information) (e.g. Cell phone, )
Agenda Company Overview Dev Staff Achievements The Game Proposal Inquiries
1. Company Overview Name CEO Address Webpage Details Founded20xx.xxEmployees Location(e.g. USA)Capital 2012 Sales(USD XX ) * If applicable 2012 Net Profit (USD XX ) * If applicable 2013 Sales (current) (USD XX ) * If applicable 2013 Net Profit (Current) (USD XX ) * If applicable Person in chargeNameTitle MobileE mail Dev History
NameTitleAchievements TomSoftware Engineer - UCLA (Bachelor's Degree) - The Apps Games ( ~ ) - Game titles : Chicken Pop (PM, Android, 2011) : Any Pang (Server Engineer, 2012) Dev. Staff ※ Please note the right person who’ll be in charge of the project
3. Achievements (Key title) 1.Game title (PKG name): Any pang(com.sundaytozz.anypang) 2.Release date : 20XX.XX 3.Platform and Market: Android, Google Play 4.Descriptions : 5.Screenshots (max 4) 6.Total downloads and sales : 7.Analytics (e.g. DAU, ARPU) : ※ Please list 3 key titles if applicable
4. The Game Proposal 1) Overview Game title Platform Genre Size (MB)about xx MB Expected release date 20xx.xx (If you already launched game in another market, please note your achievements for example DAU, ARPU or whatever analytics for reference) Acquired publishing rights (by country) Descriptions(max 200 byte) Title image or icon
4. The Game Proposal 2) The projects Goals 3) Key differentiators
4. The Game Proposal 4) UI/UX 5) Business Models
4. The Game Proposal 6) Free Form
4. The Game Proposal 7) Screenshots (max 10 )
4. The Game Proposal 8) Dev. Schedule (Mandatory: Design, Planning, DEV(current), Localization ) Complet ion Rate JunJulAugSepOctNovDec Planning 50%70% Develop ment 30%50% Design 20%30% L10N 50%60% total 30%45% Sample )
5. Inquiries Kwak Yun-Hee (Manager) Thank you for your interest in T store We will review your submission and provide feedback ASAP If you have any questions, feel free to contact us below Son tae-soo (Manager)