Characters of the development programms Chemistry in Context and SINUS October 27th, Lisboa Dr. Martin Lindner, IPN
Charakters of the Programms Nation-wide Biggest programms ever run (1.000 Schools and ca teachers) Funded by central + regional governments Schools are grouped in sets Coordination on national + on regional level Researched by IPN Focussing the national standards
(12 Sets) Inventing Units Development Reflection Optimisation Tranings for other Teachers (9 Sets) Coordinator Teacher-Trainer Creating learning communities
2005 – 2008 Transfer More Länder New Themes Other types of schools
Development Conceptual framework Discussion, goals exchange, reflection, (inservice training and evaluation learning) (formative, summative) development of classroom teaching units experience
Professional Development through Hospitation Planning together Visit at school (Hospitation / Video) Discussion in the teams
Erwünschte Verbrennungen- unerwünschte Folgen Brandkarten Tabelle mit Fragen Wann brennt etwas? Sauerstoff -entzug Chemische Reaktion Feuerwehr -Aktion Rosten Explosion Klima Müllverbrennung Wasserstoffauto Erarbeitung Motivation, Einstieg Vertiefung und Vernetzung
What has changed in the classrooms? Students work self- organized in Teams Changes in the type of tasks lead to: - independent and autonomic learning - domininating of practical work and experiments
Changing the role of teachers Teacher is central point in the classroom Entertainer Teacher as a coach
The role of Intervention School University Teacher-Training School-Practice Sceme of teaching: The own teachers Intervention Internal script New internal script Intervention
Internet Necessary: Not at all less to a small to a great extend Internet Meetings
Development since Mio / y 17 Mio / y 0.8 Mio / y Participants in SINUS Participants in CHiK
What does Teamwork mean?
What do the particpants say? Results of evaluation Rate of relevance in a 1-4 scale: 1. Cooparation in the team 2. Cooperation in preparing lessons 3. Atmosphere in the team We found significant correlation between the relevance of set-cooperation and estimation of practicability as well as estimation of development in competence. 2. The intensity of cooperation is the main determinant for increase in methodological variety.
Conclusions: 5 main factors for success Small Teams with common aims (Team-orientated) Regular meetings (Process-orientated) Directly related to classroom practice Aknowledgement (free conferences, reduction in work load) Professional Coordination (Motivation / Controlling) Creating networks including administration, professional development centers and universities
Research Results show the success of our work in different fields, e.g. –Students interest – grade of collaboration