ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 5 TH GRADE Instructor Alexandra Mitchell
Science Vocabulary Week 1 WordDefinitionIn a Sentence ConductorA material that carries electricity well Most metals are conductors. Current ElectricityA kind of kinetic energy that flows as an electric current The bumper cars are powered by current electricity. Kinetic EnergyAn energy that is in motionMoving water and wind are good examples of kinetic energy. Electric CircuitThe path an electric current follows In order for the light bulb to turn on, the electric circuit must be complete. Electric CurrentThe flow of electronsAn electric current occurs when there’s a constant flow of electrons. ElectricityA form of energy produced by moving electrons Electricity can be used to produce light.
Overview Standards: S5P3. Students will investigate the electricity, magnetism, and their relationship. a. Investigate static electricity. b. Determine the necessary components for completing an electric circuit. c. Investigate common materials to determine if they are insulators or conductors of electricity. d. Compare a bar magnet to an electromagnet. Student Objectives: Investigate static electricity through an in-class activity Student will compare/contrast electricity and magnetism Construct an electromagnet and compare it to an ordinary bar magnet Design simple electric circuit, parallel circuit and series circuit then create models.
Background Knowledge How are electricity and magnetism related and what are the many useful applications in your everyday life? What do you know about the effects of magnetism… How about static? How about current electricity?
Essential Questions Explain how an electric current can travel through objects. How are electricity and magnetism connected? What is the difference between an electro magnet and a bar magnet? Leveled Reader – Individual Reading then Guided Reading Pg. 2-6 Bring in a AA Battery for Experiment tomorrow
Building an Electro Magnet What is an electro magnet? How do we build one?
My Science Journal Date Title: Electro Magnet Procedure Drawing of your final product What did I learn?
Let’s Begin Step 1: Wrap your screw with your wire Step 2: Place one side of your wire on top of your battery, use electrical tape to secure it Now do the same with the other side of the wire Step 3: Place your paper clips on your desk Use your newly built electro-magnet to pick up your clip Now use your bar magnet to pick up your clip
Electro Magnet vs Bar Magnet
Parking Lot and Homework Homework Complete review questions on pg 7 of your reader packet, bring back packet for tomorrow Parking Lot Place a Red Sticky if you didn’t understand today’s lesson Place a Yellow Sticky if you understood some of it Place a Green Sticky if we are ready to move on