Transition Assistance Program For the National Guard and Reserves.


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Presentation transcript:

Transition Assistance Program For the National Guard and Reserves

One-Stop Career Centers Working Together to Employ Our Nations Veterans

One-Stop Career Centers Every state has centers that provide services at no cost to veterans and job seekers. Available services can vary from state to state. Every center has a veterans’ representative to serve veterans.

Veteran’s Representatives Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Provide intensive services to meet the employment needs of disabled veterans and other eligible veterans, with the maximum emphasis directed toward serving those who are economically or educationally disadvantaged, including homeless veterans with barriers to employment.

Veteran’s Representative - Local Veteran Employment Representative (LVER) Conduct outreach to employers and engage in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans, encourage the hiring of disabled veterans, and generally assist veterans to gain and retain employment.

One Stop Centers Can Provide: Job search assistance Employment referrals Skills Assessments Computer/Internet access Unemployment Assistance Labor Market Information Vocational Guidance Education and Training Assistance

One Stop Centers cont. Credentialing and Apprenticeships State and National Job Banks Child care resources Transportation assistance Workforce Investment Act Veteran’s Priority

Finding a one stop close to you

Labor Market Information

Definition of Labor Market Information Labor Market Information is awide array of employment related data on economic conditions and labor force characteristics of a particular area that includes information about people, jobs and employers.

Facts about our area The fastest growing occupation is____ The occupation with the most employees is_____________ The declining occupation is________ The highest paying occupation is_____

Reasons to know your local labor market Career Decision Making Projections for Occupations Job Search Strengths and Weaknesses of your local economy Obtain knowledge on the future of certain industries

Homelessness Know the Causes/Know the Resources

Definition of Homeless This includes persons who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nightime residence. It includes persons whose primary nightime residence is either a supervised public or private shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or a private not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (VETS,2006).

Statistics of homeless veterans Over 200,000 homeless veterans on any given night. Twice as many male veterans as compared to female veterans. Four times as many female veterans compared to female non-veterans.

Possible Causes of Homelessness among the veteran population Unemployment or underemployment High cost of housing Personal or family health expenses Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

Some symptoms of PTSD include: Nightmares and flashbacks Difficulty sleeping Feeling detached or estranged Impaired function in social, family and work situations May be accompanied by alcohol/drug abuse

Resources for unemployment, underemployment, or housing Visit a one-stop center Visit with a DVOP or LVER representative Participate in pre-separation counseling Participate in the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) employment workshop

Resources for mental health and substance abuse issues Seek early assistance for mental health and substance abuse issues Participation in Pre-separation counseling Participation in the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) employment workshop Attending a VA briefing regarding benefits Involve a close family member in the TAP and VA briefings

Resources for Post Traumatic Sydrome Visit a Veterans’ Center in your local area Talk to someone from Veterans Affairs Utilize your local Veteran Service Organizations for help and referrals

Resources for homelessness (also in your manual) Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) National Center for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) Veteran Service Organizations (VSO’s) Veterans Affairs

Self Employment The Pro’s and Con’s

Reasons People Want Self Employment To be your own boss To be financially independent To have creative freedom To fully use your skills and knowledge

Issues to consider when starting a business Type of business operation Cash flow-how long to a profit Insurance-types and how much Legal issues and liabilities assumed Competition – locally and nationally Initially, long hours Responsible to your customers Experienced staff and yourself Tax advantages or disadvantages

Planning - Planning - Planning First step is to do a thorough business plan Have someone with similar business experience review the plan such as the Senior Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) Review your plan and highlight concern areas. Obtain funding through a financial institution, using your plan. Work closely with the Small business Administration and their special programs for veterans

Resources (also in your manual)

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA, 38 U.S.C )

USERRA Provisions Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 Latest in a series of laws dating back to 1940 DOL regulations at 20 C.F.R. Part 1002 apply to non-Federal employers

DISCRIMINATION 38 U.S.C. 4311(a) There is a broad prohibition of employer discrimination on the basis of a person’s membership or application for membership in the service, performance of service, or service obligations Provision applies to all positions of employment, and to offers of employment

RETALIATION 38 U.S.C. 4311(b) Employers may not retaliate against a person who enforces a USERRA right, testifies, assists in investigation, etc. USERRA protects an employee from employer retaliation regardless of whether the employee has any past or current military connection

EMPLOYERS COVERED 38 U.S.C. 4303(4) Virtually all U.S. employers covered, public or private, regardless of size, here and abroad Foreign employers covered for their employees working at U.S. job sites

COVERED SERVICE 38 U.S.C. 4303(13) Most types of military service covered Voluntary or involuntary Peacetime or wartime Active and Reserve components Fitness-for-service examination National Disaster Medical System

NATIONAL GUARD SERVICE USERRA covers NG duty performed under Federal authority USERRA does not cover NG duty performed under State law (e.g., call- up by the Governor for a natural disaster) State call-ups generally covered by State law

REEMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY 38 U.S.C. 4304, 4312 Certain criteria must be met to be eligible for reemployment following absence for service Advance notice 5-year cumulative service limit Timely return or reemployment application Character of service

ADVANCE NOTICE 38 U.S.C. 4312(a)(1) May be given to employer by service member or military unit May be verbal or written Should be given as far in advance as is reasonable

5-YEAR SERVICE LIMIT 38 U.S.C. 4312(a)(2) Applies to period of service, not absence For example, does not apply to period of absence from employment before or after performance of service Does not include service performed while working for previous employer(s) Includes some service performed before USERRA was enacted 20 C.F.R –

5-YEAR SERVICE LIMIT 38 U.S.C. 4312(a)(2) Specified types of service do not count toward the 5-year limit obligated service required training involuntary service support of a war, contingency, etc. 20 C.F.R

TIMELY RETURN/APPLICATION 38 U.S.C. 4312(e) If service is 30 days or less Return to work, generally first shift next day after completion of service, with time added for travel and rest If service is for more than 30 but less than 180 days Apply within 14 days after service complete If service is more than 180 days Apply within 90 days after service complete

TIMELY RETURN/APPLICATION 38 U.S.C. 4312(e) Reporting/application deadlines can be extended up to 2 years for recovery from illness or injury incurred or aggravated during period of service

CHARACTER OF SERVICE 38 U.S.C Certain types of discharge or separation from service make an individual ineligible for reemployment under USERRA Dishonorable or bad conduct discharge Separated under other than honorable conditions Dismissed or dropped from the rolls

REEMPLOYMENT POSITION 38 U.S.C.4313 Basic entitlement is to the “escalator” position – the position the person would have attained had employment been continuous Specific position may be different from the “escalator,” depending on circumstances

REEMPLOYMENT POSITION 38 U.S.C The “escalator” does not always go up. The “escalator” position reflects what would have happened if person had remained at work The reemployment position could involve a promotion, no change, or even termination depending on circumstances

Where to go for USERRA Help, Questions & Answers Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) USDOL Veterans’ Employment and Training Service USA-DOL