AIPLA Mid Winter Meeting January 28, 2014 IP Practice in Japan Committee Pre-Meeting Phoenix, Arizona The Trans Pacific Partnership – Update on IP Aspects of TPP
Origins and History of the TPP Negotiations on Sidelines of APEC Meetings since 2002 4-Nation Agreement Entered into Force May 2006 Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore Goal of More Liberalized Trade and Investment in APEC Covers goods, services, IP, Government procurement, etc. 8 Additional Nations Negotiating to Join – 40% world GDP Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, US and Vietnam Others Expressing Interest – Bangladesh, Cambodia, Columbia, Costa Rico, India, Laos, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand © AIPLA
The Potential Reach of the TPP © AIPLA
Current Over-arching Goals of the TPP PROMOTE AN OPEN INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM Tariffs – reduce to zero in 10 years Trade Disputes – provide an effective measure to resolve ENHANCE TRIPS Reinforce and Further Develop TRIPS Policies Expand to include "Other IP Issues" Genetic resources and Traditional Knowledge PRECLUDE REGIONAL DOMINATION BY ANY ONE COUNTRY Focus on China © AIPLA
Current U.S. Strategic Goals HARMONIZATION Uniformity of Patent, Copyright, Trademark Laws Consistency with Current US Laws ADDRESS PIRACY and COUNTERFEITING Provide a Uniform Policy in the Pacific Region OPEN MARKETS Agriculture, Public Works, Services, Insurance, Health COMPATIBILITY with TTIP (US/Europe Trade) ENGAGE CHINA – IP and Trade Policies © AIPLA
Impact of TPP on Signatory Countries HARMONIZATION Significant Impact on Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks – generally tightening of rights and duties OPEN MARKETS – greater access Significant impact on Domestic Policies related to Agriculture, Environment, Insurance, Jobs, Public Health, Public Works, Services and Wages Generally strengthened enforcement of IP rights ENVIRONMENT Established rules – but little to ensure compliance © AIPLA
The TPP Agreement and IP Issues 2005 Agreement High Level Treatment of IP Issues Considered Protection of Traditional Knowledge Addressed Exhaustion of IP Rights Addressed Geographical Indications Addressed TRIPS and General Cooperation Draft 2013 Agreement Detailed Treatment of IP Issues Detailed and Bracketed Disclosue of Proposed Chapter published by Wikileaks © AIPLA
The TPP Agreement - US Proposal on IP Issues Required Accession to International IP Agreements - (PCT, Madrid, Budapest, Berne, UPOV, etc. (Art. QQA6) PLT and Hague-Designs optional More Extensive Protection Permitted ( Art. QQA3) Opposition to Flexible Health Issues (Art. QQA5) National Treatment of all IPR (Arts. QQA7) Opposition to Flexible Adoption of Measures to Prevent Abuse of IPRs (QQA9) Require publication of all IP laws, rule and regs (Art. QQA10) Oppsition to International Exhaustion (QQA12) 12© AIPLA
The TPP Agreement - US Proposal on IP Issues Trademarks and Geographical Indications ( Art. QQC1-11) Domain Names on the Internet (Art. QQC12) Geographical Indicators (Art. QQD1-14) Patents (Art. QQE1-23) Industrial Designs (QQF1) Copyrights (Arts. QQG1-18,) Enforcement and Customs (Arts. QQH1-7) Encryption and Protection (Art. QQH8-12) ISP Liability (QQI) © AIPLA
The TPP Agreement - US Proposal on Trademark Issues Registrability Marks not visually perceptible, sounds and smells are registrable (QQC1) Collective or Certification marks and Geographical Indications are registrable as trademarks (QQC2) Exclusive rights extend to identical or similar marks based on likelihood of confusion standard (QQC3) Fair use is permitted (QQC4) Well known marks – protection does not require registration, listing or prior recognition (QQC5) © AIPLA
The TPP Agreement - US Proposal on Patent Issues Patentable Subject Matter – any invention in all fields of technology if new, unobvious and useful (QQE1) New forms and uses of known product Plants and animals/biological processes to produce them Diagnostic, therapeutic or surgical methods for humans if method of using a machine, mfgr or composition Applicant Public Disclosures 1 yr –disregarded (QQE 2) Post Grant Invalidity – only grounds for patentability (E4) Term Adjustment – unreasonable delays (QQEXX) Pharmaceutical Produts – (QQE16-23) © AIPLA
The TPP Agreement - US Proposal on Patent Issues Novelty Exception – AIA exclusion from prior art of inventor derived publications within 12 months is required (QQE2) Enablement, Written Description and Utility – specified as required for patentability (QQE8, 9) No Requirement for Best Mode Mandatory Disclosure of File History – search, communications with applicant and patented/non- patented art cited by applicants (QQE12) © AIPLA
The TPP Agreement - US Proposal on Copyright Issues Exclusive rights given to rights holders to "authorize or prohibit" copies permanent or temporary (transitory?) Reproductions, performances and importation of works Parallel Imports authorized or prohibited (Kirtsaeng?) Term is the US standard – life of author + 70 years (QQG6) Berne (Art. 18) and TRIPS (Art. 14.6) shall apply Technological Protection and Rights Management - extensive provisions included re circumvention Regulation of Related Rights for broadcasting and communication to the public of performances © AIPLA
The TPP Agreement - Remaining Controversy Secrecy and Lack of Transparency Litigation to release document US Congressional concern Concern in other countries – public interest groups Obama Administration Strong support for TPP by Obama Democratic Party split Fast Track needed to ensure passage Opposition exists in both parties © AIPLA