Initiatives on Regional Air Pollution in Asia GMS ASEAN: Haze agreement Central Asia: Environment Convention South Asia: Male’ Declaration East Asia: EANET Asia: ABC Global: GAF
Male’ Declaration Bhutan Nepal Bangladesh Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan Development March 1998: Policy Dialogue April 1998: Adoption of the Declaration Implementation Phase I: Awareness and preparation of the baseline information Phase II: Local capacity development for monitoring and analysis Member states Bhutan Nepal Bangladesh Sri Lanka Iran Pakistan India Maldives Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Phase I Implementation Network Establishment Baseline Studies Action Plans Sub-regional Action Plan Identification of NEAs Establishment of NEAs Network&Database of Experts/Institutions Guidelines for the Baseline Studies Preparation of Baseline Studies Baseline Studies & Database National Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Phase II Implementation Hanimaadu Anuradaphura Abadan Port Canning Suntharban Geliphu Narowal Chitwan Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample. Trained national institutions. Established monitoring stations.
Phase III: Objectives Strengthen the regional cooperation and stakeholders participation under the Malé Declaration; Strengthen the capacity building programmes initiated during Phase II; Enhance the capacity of NIAs on emission inventory development and Integrated Assessment Modeling Enhance the analytical and impact assessment capability at the national level through integration of findings from local pollution studies and conducting assessment studies; Provide decision support information for policy formulation and air pollution prevention ; and Raise awareness for action through targeted dissemination IG 6; October 2004, Tehran, Iran agreed on the Phase III objectives Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Ob1: Regional Cooperation Intergovernmental meeting, stakeholders meeting cum coordination meeting Evaluated the implementation since adoption Extended organizational structure Establishment of specialized centers Air pollution related initiatives in South Asia need to be coordinated under the framework of Male’ Declaration Focus on reduction of air pollution Recommended to increase the financial sustainability through local contributions Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample. IG 8; September 2006, Thimbu, Bhutan
Extended institutional structure Intergovernmental Meeting (NFP and NIA) Technical Committee (MoC, SEI, UNEP RRCAP) Technical Center on monitoring Dry Deposition Technical Center on Monitoring Wet Deposition Technical Center on Soil Impact Technical Center on Vegetation Impact Technical Center on Corrosion Impact Technical Center on Health Impact Regional Stakeholders Forum (Universities, NGOs, youth groups, relevant initiatives in South Asia) Secretariat for Male’ Declaration (UNEP RRCAP) National Focal Points (NFP) National Implementing Agencies (NIA) National Stakeholders Forum (Universities, NGOs, youth groups) Member States National Centers for Impact Assessment Sub-regional partners (SACEP and SAARC) Technical Center on Pollution Reduction policies/strategies Technical Center on Emission Inventory and modeling Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Ob2: Capacity Building on Monitoring In-country February 2006; Kulna, Bangladesh National Training programmes Specialized training programmes at the national level eg. Nine technical personnel from DoE, Bangladesh were trained on operating AAS in February 2006 Regional Training Programme; March 2006, RRCAP, Bangkok Regional Training Programmes Annual refresher trainings at regional level eg. The fourth regional training was organised in March 2006 Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Ob3: Capacity Building on Inventory and Modeling Developed emissions inventory manual accompanied by a workbook (Excel) for compilation Trained personnel from all the participating countries on emission inventory and integrated assessment model An integrated information and assessment system (IIAS) and Users’ Manual Training workshop; July 2006, RRCAP Integrated Information and Assessment System (IIAS) Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample. Inventory manual:éreport/ Newsgroups:
Ob4: Capacity Building on Impact Assessment Case studies in selected countries Methodology Regional Level Training Regional level discussion of the results Dissemination Focus areas Develop urban integrated assessment capacity Strengthen knowledge on human health impact assessment Strengthen knowledge on crops impact assessment Strengthen knowledge on corrosion impact assessment, model Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Ob5: Decision Support Information (i) Case studies Provided technical support for an eco-village demonstration project in Sri Lanka (ii) Good practices Identify the areas for pollution control and abatement in each of the participating countries; Collate success stories (for pollution control and abetment); Dissemination of success stories in the participating countries. Eco village was opened by the President of Sri Lanka in March 2006 Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Ob6: Rise Awareness (i) Publication on Male’ Declaration Draft was adopted the IG8 will be published by the IG9 (ii) Newsletter and Brochure To disseminate Malé Declaration related information to the public and stakeholders. The content of the newsletter has largely been reports on the network’s activities (iii) Information sharing Among the countries and other networks (iv) Networking with youths South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN) is participating in the awareness activities. Identifying emerging issues may come from either policy dialogues or research findings from the scientific community These are the emerging issues that have been raised in various forums and the requests from the Governments to UNEP When we receive the requests, we develop the concept to address the issue. There are 3 issues at conceptual stage SDP: reactive approach to proactive approach Environment security: link the environmental issues with security of food, water and energy Promote prevention: promote eco-friendly mobility and housing E-waste: a regional initiative Secretariat: when we the network is in place establish the secretariat. What we have done so far and proposed activities for the next 2 years are provided in the page 20 of the meeting document. I will take one issue from each of the categories as sample.
Male’ Declaration for South Asia EANET for East Asia Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC) Global Atmospheric Forum
East Asia Network on Acid Deposition (EANET) Four experts meetings were held in East Asia from 1993 to 1997 to discuss the issue of acid deposition. The First Intergovernmental Meeting (IG1) was held in 1998 and agreed to establish EANET. Ten countries, which include: China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam started the preparatory phase activities from 1998-2000
EANET: Regular Phase Participation: 12 countries in East Asian region, which includes Northeast and Southeast Asia, that expressed at the Second Intergovernmental Meeting their intention to participate in the Network Started intensive monitoring on common standards with sharing of data and expertise
EANET: Institutional Arrangement
Monitoring Dry Deposition EANET: Monitoring network Monitoring Dry Deposition Banryu(Japan) SO2 NO, NO2, NOx O3 HNO3, HCl, NH3 PM10 PMC China X Indonesia Japan Malaysia Mongolia Philippines RoK Russia Thailand Vietnam Mondy(Russia) Los Banos(Philippines) Terelj(Mongolia) Hoa Binh(Viet Nam) Kosan(R.of Korea) Jakarta/EMC(Indonesia) Zhuhai(China) Bangkok/ERTC(Rhailand) Tanah(Malaysia)
EANET: Future Direction IG6 in November 2004 Working Group on Future Development of EANET. IG8 in November 2006, Medium term plan Extended the Working Group on Future Development of EANET.
Male’ Declaration for South Asia EANET for East Asia Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC) Global Atmospheric Forum
Aerosol Particulates Haze at 5km; up to 3km high Size of continental US Covering Indian Ocean, South Asia, Southeast Asia and China Source: V. Ramanathan
Brown Cloud Chemical Composition Ramanathan et al, 2001 Lelieveld et al, 2001
Major Components of Project ABC The project ABC comprised of 3 major programmes: Observation: establishment of a network of ground based monitoring stations across the Asia and Pacific region for data collection and capacity building. Impact assessment: assessment of the potential impacts of ABC on agriculture, water, and health using the data from the monitoring stations. Awareness and mitigation: provide science-based information for policy makers to mitigate atmospheric pollution. Monitoring Assessment of impact on crop, health and water budget Awareness & Mitigation
Observatories Aerosol properties Precipitation chemistry Established new observatories Upgraded existing observatories Source: V. Ramanathan Observatories are fully equipped with a suit of state-of-the-art instruments to monitor: Aerosol properties Precipitation chemistry Gaseous species Solar radiation Meteorological parameters
Pioneer Effort - UAVs Three UAVs were used in staked formation measuring simultaneously the effects of ABC over the same cloud system. First time in environment monitoring Recent Field campaigns with UAVs Maldives Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Campaign (MAC) in South Asia; March 2006 East Asian Regional Experiment (ABC-EAREX2005) in East Asia; Feb.-Apr. 2005 ABC-Post Monsoon Experiment (APMEX-2004) in South Asia; Oct.-Nov. 2004 Source: Prof. Ramanathan
Science Team Chair and Vice Chair Impact Assessment First Impact Assessment workshop, December 2005, Bangkok, Thailand Initiated ABC Impact Assessment studies Review workshops in December 2006 PROCEDURE Science Team Chair and Vice Chair Lead Institution [Agriculture] [water] [Health] Network Assessment report
Male’ Declaration for South Asia EANET for East Asia Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC) Global Atmospheric Forum
Global Atmospheric Forum Objectives Strengthening inter-governmental networks at the regional scale; Greater harmonization of technical system, information and assessment process within and between the regions and capacity building based on them; and Promoting consensus among stakeholders to underpin emergence of regional, hemispheric and global action. There are three initiatives under implementation Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC): UNEP has established a Science Team (ST), comprising international scientists and chaired by Prof. Ramanathan and Prof. Crutzen, to study the issue of ABC. Aerosol observatory programme and impact assessment programme have been initiated. Capacity building activities such as training have also been initiated. The next meeting of the ST and a workshop on impact assessment is scheduled for 6-9 December 2005 in Bangkok. 2. Glacial Melting and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF): Studies on the impact of climate change on the glacial system have been completed for Nepal and Bhutan. The results show more than 40 glacial lakes filling rapidly and proposed detail investigation and preventive measures. Proposal has been submitted to DGEF. 3. Dust and Sandstorms (DSS): Northeast Asia has witnessed concerning increase in frequency and intensity of these storms. An inter-agency response has been formulated. A phased program for development of monitoring and early warning network has been completed by a technical committee chaired by UNEP. A concept proposal for capacity building on monitoring and early warning will be discussed during a fact finding mission (25 July– 3 August 2005). A consultative meeting is scheduled for 17-19 August 2005.
Global Atmospheric Forum Activities in Asia Convene annual meetings of initiatives on regional air pollution Closer co-operation and joint action among sub-regional networks in Asia Technology transfer and methodology harmonization on monitoring, impact assessment, Inventory compilation There are three initiatives under implementation Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC): UNEP has established a Science Team (ST), comprising international scientists and chaired by Prof. Ramanathan and Prof. Crutzen, to study the issue of ABC. Aerosol observatory programme and impact assessment programme have been initiated. Capacity building activities such as training have also been initiated. The next meeting of the ST and a workshop on impact assessment is scheduled for 6-9 December 2005 in Bangkok. 2. Glacial Melting and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF): Studies on the impact of climate change on the glacial system have been completed for Nepal and Bhutan. The results show more than 40 glacial lakes filling rapidly and proposed detail investigation and preventive measures. Proposal has been submitted to DGEF. 3. Dust and Sandstorms (DSS): Northeast Asia has witnessed concerning increase in frequency and intensity of these storms. An inter-agency response has been formulated. A phased program for development of monitoring and early warning network has been completed by a technical committee chaired by UNEP. A concept proposal for capacity building on monitoring and early warning will be discussed during a fact finding mission (25 July– 3 August 2005). A consultative meeting is scheduled for 17-19 August 2005. Standardized guidelines and joint programmes