Supporting GPU Sharing in Cloud Environments with a Transparent Runtime Consolidation Framework Vignesh Ravi (The Ohio State University) Michela Becchi (University of Missouri) Gagan Agrawal (The Ohio State University) Srimat Chakradhar (NEC Laboratories America)
Two Interesting Trends GPU, “Big player” in High Performance Computing Excellent “price-performance” and “performance-per-watt” ratio Heterogeneous architectures – AMD Fusion APU, Intel Sandy Bridge, NVIDIA Denver Project 3 out of top 4 super computers (Tianhe-1A, Nebulae, and Tsubame) Emergence of Cloud – “Pay-as-you-go” model Cluster instances , High-speed interconnects for HPC users Amazon, Nimbix GPU instances BIG FIRST STEP! But at initial stages
Motivation Sharing is the basis of cloud, GPU no exception Multiple virtual machines may share a physical node Modern GPUs are expensive than multi-core CPUs Fermi cards with 6 GB memory, 4000 $ Better resource utilization Modern GPUs expose high degree of parallelism Applications may not utilize full potential
Enable GPU Visibility from Virtual Machines Related Work Enable GPU Visibility from Virtual Machines vCUDA (Shi et al.) GViM (Gupta et al.) gVirtuS (Guinta et al.) rCuda (Duato et al.) How to share GPUs from Virtual Machines? CUDA Compute 2.0 + Supports Task Parallelism Limitation: Only from Single Process Context
Contributions A Framework for transparent GPU sharing in cloud No source code changes required, feasible in cloud Propose sharing through consolidation Solution to conceptual consolidation problem New method for computing consolidation affinity scores Two new molding methods Overall Runtime consolidation algorithm Extensive evaluation with 8 benchmarks on 2 GPUs At high contention, 50% improved throughput Framework overheads are small
Outline Background Understanding Consolidation on GPU Framework Design Consolidation Decision Making Layer Experimental Results Conclusions
Background Outline Understanding Consolidation on GPU Framework Design Consolidation Decision Making Layer Experimental Results Conclusions
BACKGROUND GPU Architecture CUDA Mapping and Scheduling
... ... GPU Device Memory Background SM SM SM SH MEM SM SH MEM SM SH MEM ... ... GPU Device Memory Resource Requirements < Max Available Inter-leaved execution Resource Requirements > Max Available Serialized execution
Understanding Consolidation on GPU Outline Background Understanding Consolidation on GPU Framework Design Consolidation Decision Making Layer Experimental Results Conclusions
UNDERSTANDING CONSOLIDATION on GPU Demonstrate Potential of Consolidation Relation between Utilization and Performance Preliminary experiments with consolidation
GPU Utilization vs Performance Scalability of Applications Good Improvement Sub-Linear Linear No Significant Improvement
Consolidation with Space and Time Sharing SM SH MEM SM SH MEM SM SH MEM SM SH MEM App 1 App 2 Cannot utilize all SMs effectively Better Performance at large no. of blocks
Framework Design Outline Background Understanding Consolidation on GPU Consolidation Decision Making Layer Experimental Results Conclusions
FRAMEWORK DESIGN Challenges gVirtuS Current Design Consolidation Framework & its Components
Design Challenges Need a Virtual Process Context Enabling GPU Sharing When & What to Consolidate Need Policies and Algorithms to decide Overheads Light-Weight Design
gVirtuS Current Design VM1 VM2 Guest Side CUDA App1 CUDA App2 Frontend Library Frontend Library Linux / VMM Guest-Host Communication Channel Fork Process No Communication b/w processes gVirtuS Backend Backend Process 1 Backend Process 2 Host Side CUDA Runtime CUDA Driver GPU1 GPUn …
Runtime Consolidation Framework Workloads arrive from Frontend BackEnd Server Queues Workloads to Dispatcher Dispatcher HOST SIDE Consolidation Decision Maker Queues Workloads to Virtual Context Ready Queue Policies Heuristics Virtual Context Virtual Context Thread Workload Consolidator Workload Consolidator GPU GPU
Consolidation Decision Making Layer Outline Background Understanding Consolidation on GPU Framework Design Consolidation Decision Making Layer Experimental Results Conclusions
CONSOLIDATION DECISION MAKING LAYER GPU Sharing Mechanisms & Resource Contention Two Molding Policies Consolidation Runtime Scheduling Algorithm
Sharing Mechanisms & Resource Contention Consolidation by Space Sharing Consolidation by Time Sharing Large No. of Threads with in a block Resource Contention Basis of Affinity Score Pressure on Shared Memory
Molding Kernel Configuration Perform molding dynamically Leverage gVirtuS to intercept kernel launch Flexible for configuration modification Mold the configuration to reduce contention Potential increase in application latency However, may still improve global throughput
Two Molding Policies Molding Policies Forced Space Sharing Time Sharing with Reduced Threads 14 * 256 14 * 512 7 * 256 14 * 128 May resolve shared memory Contention May reduce register pressure in the SM
Consolidation Scheduling Algorithm Greedy-based Scheduling Algorithm Schedule “N” kernels on 2 GPUs Input: 3-Tuple Execution Configuration list of all kernels Data Structure: Work Queue for each Virtual Context Overall Algorithm Generate Pair-wise Affinity Generate Affinity for List Get Affinity By Molding
Consolidation Scheduling Algorithm Create Work Queues for Virtual Contexts Configuration list Generate Pair-wise Affinity (a1, a2) = Generate Affinity For List for each rem. Kernel With each Work Queue Find the pair with min. affinity Split the pair into diff. Queues (a3, a4) = Get Affinity By Molding for each rem. Kernel With each Work Queue Find Max(a1, a2, a3, a4) Dispatch Queues into Virtual Contexts Push kernel into Queue
Experimental Results Outline Background Understanding Consolidation on GPU Framework Design Consolidation Decision Making Layer Experimental Results Conclusions
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Setup, Metric & Baselines Benchmarks Results
Setup, Metric & Baselines A Machine with Two Intel Quad core Xeon E5520 CPU Two NVIDIA Tesla C2050 GPU Cards 14 Streaming Multi Processors, each containing 32 cores 3 GB Device Memory 48 KB Shared Memory per SM Virtualized with gVirtuS 2.0 Evaluation Metric Global Throughput benefit obtained after consolidation of kernels Baselines Serialized execution, based on CUDA Runtime Scheduling Blind Round-Robin based consolidation (Unaware of exec. configuration)
Benchmarks and its Characteristics Benchmarks & Goals Benchmarks and its Characteristics
Benefits of Space and Time Sharing Mechanisms No resource contention Consolidation through Blind Round-Robin algorithm Compared against serialized execution of kernels Space Sharing Time Sharing
Drawbacks of Blind Scheduling Presence of Resource Contentions Large Number of Threads Shared Memory Contention No benefit from Consolidation
Effect of Molding Contention – Large Threads Contention – Shared Memory Time Sharing with Reduced Threads Forced Space Sharing
Effect of Affinity Scores Kernel Configurations 2 kernels with 7*512 2 kernels with 14*256 No affinity – Unbalanced Threads per SM With affinity – Better Thread Balancing per SM
Benefits at High Contention Scenario 8 Kernels on 2 GPUs 6 out of 8 Kernels molded 31.5% improvement over Blind Scheduling 50% over serialized execution
Framework Overheads No Consolidation With Consolidation Compared to plain gVirtuS execution Overhead always less than 1% Compared with manually consolidated execution Overhead always less than 4%
Conclusions Outline Background Understanding Consolidation on GPU Framework Design Consolidation Decision Making Layer Experimental Results Conclusions
Conclusions A Framework for transparent sharing of GPUs Use Consolidation as a mechanism for sharing GPUs No source code level changes New Affinity and Molding methods Runtime Consolidation Scheduling Algorithm At high contention, significant throughput benefits The overheads of the framework are small
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Impact of Large Number of Threads
Per Application Slowdown/ Choice of Molding Choice of Molding Type