2/4/14 96th Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1.4): I will be able to summarize life functions of the body systems and their common disorders. Due Today: Body System Life Function chart Evening Assignment: Study for quiz on body system functions and disorders, nervous & integumentary systems
Do Now 2/4/14 On the slip of paper write your name, the date, and answer the following questions. Try to answer them first from memory then use your notes (NO computer or textbook) 1)A patient complains of heartburn and nausea, especially after overeating. They noticed that it is especially bad if the foods are spicy or acidic. a.Which body system is affected? b.What disorder might they have? c.What TWO treatment options would you suggest? 2)Which body systems remove LIQUID waste from the body? 3)Which body systems remove SOLID waste from the body? 4)Which body systems remove GAS waste from the body?
Do Now 2/4/14 On the slip of paper write your name, the date, and answer the following questions. Try to answer them first from memory then use your notes (NO computer or textbook) 1)A patient complains of heartburn and nausea, especially after overeating. They noticed that it is especially bad if the foods are spicy or acidic. a.Which body system is affected? Digestive system b.What disorder might they have? GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) c.What TWO treatment options would you suggest? Change diet (don’t overeat, avoid spicy and acidic foods) Take antacids and/or acid reducers 2)Which body systems remove LIQUID waste from the body? Urinary, Respiratory, & Integumentary 3)Which body systems remove SOLID waste from the body? Digestive 4)Which body systems remove GAS waste from the body? Respiratory & Digestive
St. Baldrick’s Cancer Research Fundraiser Ways you and your family can help fund research to fight childhood cancers 1)Sign up to become a shavee, collect donations, and go BALD on March 1 st ! In addition to the satisfaction of helping out someone with cancer, ALL Hawley Hornet shavees will receive a pass (after March 1 st ) to “sit with a friend/sunny day pass” for an entire week ! 2)Donate money to support Dr. BattenDr. Batten 3)Donate money to support the Hawley Hornets team.Hawley Hornets team *** all donations are tax deductible ***
Body Systems & Life Needs Body SystemsEnergy UsageWaste RemovalMaintaining Homeostasis Skeletaln/a Protects vital organs; produces blood cells for transport & protection MuscularCellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen for energy CO 2 and lactic acid waste produced Shivering to keep warm RespiratoryBreathe in O 2 for cellular respiration Removes CO 2 and waterBreath rate changes depending on activity CirculatoryTransports O 2 and glucose to all cells Transports CO 2 to lungs, chemical waste to kidneys and liver Transports WBCs (infection), nutrients (energy & growth), regulates temperature (blood vessels in skin) DigestiveDigests carbohydrates into glucose for cellular respiration Removes solid waste (feces) Removes gas waste Digests & absorbs nutrients for energy, cell processes & growth Urinaryn/aRemoves chemical waste from blood and liquid waste from body (urine) Regulates amount of water and salt in body Nervousn/a Senses and responds to external and internal conditions Integumentaryn/aRemoves liquid waste (sweat) Regulates body temperature Barrier to environment
Diseases & Disorders: Due 1/29/14 For each body system we learned (skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary) research TWO disorders for a total of 12 disorders/diseases. For each… Name of the disease/disorder Signs and symptoms Cause of disorder Treatment of disorder Skeletal System Diseases/Disorders 1. Osteoporosis 2. Your choice Muscular System Diseases/Disorders 1. Tendonitis 2. Your choice Respiratory System Diseases/Disorders 1. Flu 2. Your choice Circulatory System Diseases/Disorders 1. Hypertension 2. Your choice Digestive System Diseases/Disorders 1. GERD 2. Your choice Urinary System Diseases/Disorders 1. UTI 2. Your choice (but NOT kidney stones) Nervous System Diseases/Disorders BONUS Points 1. Epilepsy 2. Your choice Integumentary System Diseases/Disorders BONUS Points 1. Eczema 2. Your choice
Nervous System page due 1/28/14 Overall Functions of the Nervous System Sense the environment and internal conditions Respond to stimuli Describe Function of Parts of Nervous System Stimulus Neuron Neurotransmitter Central Nervous System Brain Spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic nerves Voluntary nerves (somatic nerves) Sense Organs Eyes Ears Nose Skin Tongue Labelled Sketch of the Nervous System McDougall, p. B106
Integumentary System page due 1/30/14 Overall Functions of Skin Repels water (waterproof) Barrier against infection Helps maintain homeostasis (temperature, removes waste) Senses the environment Describe Function of Parts Skin Epidermis Dermis Fatty Tissue Sensor receptor Nerve Oil gland Sweat gland Hair Blood vessels Sketch of Skin McDougall, p. B84
Osteoporosis What is it? Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become weak which causes them to be more fragile and and break easier. What are the signs & symptoms? Usually people who suffer from osteoporosis experience back pain, loss of bone density, brittle bones, arched posture, or loss of height over time. What causes osteoporosis? A person can acquire if their bones break down faster than the body can produce new bone. Often linked to diets poor in calcium and phosphate. What can treat osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is usually treated with bisphosphonates like Zoledronic Acid or Ibandronate. Patients should consume more calcium (ex. Dairy and green vegetables) and/or take calcium supplements.
Tendinitis (Tendonitis) What is it? Tendinitis happens when your tendons are swollen or irritated. This makes your tendons tender to touch or painful. What are the signs & symptoms? Pain when moving the joint, tenderness, and swelling. What causes tendinitis? Tendinitis can occur if a tendon is moved repeatedly over the course of time stress can also lead to tendinitis What can treat tendinitis? Rest, anti inflammatories, corticosteroids and pain relievers may be used to treat tendinitis however in serious cases surgery may be needed
Influenza (The flu) What is it? Influenza is a virus that attacks your respiratory system What are the signs & symptoms? Fever, chills/sweats, dry cough, and nasal congestion are all symptoms of the flu What causes Influenza? The flu virus which is spread through the air can be inhaled into your body (for example some one sneezing on you) or by touching a object with the virus on it. What can treat Influenza? Flu vaccine to prevent flu. The flu can usually be treated by getting rest and drinking lots of liquids/fluids
Hypertension What is it? High blood pressure What are the signs & symptoms? Headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds (more than normal) are all signs that you may have hypertension What causes hypertension? Stress, poor diet, kidney problems, blood defects (that your born with), Illegal drugs are all causes of hypertension What can treat hypertension? Staying healthy, exercise, and dieting may lead to a lower blood pressure, Statins (medication) pressure/basics/definition/con
GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease What is it? A digestive disease that happens when stomach acid or bile backs up and irritates your esophagus a What are the signs & symptoms? Chest pain, heart burn, dry cough difficulty swallowing What causes GERD? GERD happens when you have acid refluxes frequently into the esophagus (heartburn) What can treat GERD? Change diet. Medications like antacids and proton pump inhibitors help the esophagus heal while the limit the acid production or reduce the strength of stomach acid
UTI (urinary tract infection) What are the signs & symptoms? cloudy urine, strong urge to urinate, and leaking urine are all common symptoms for a UTI What causes UTI? It can be caused by E.coli a bacteria found in the GI(gastrointestinal) can cause a UTI What can treat UTI? Simple infections can be treated in a couple weeks with antibiotics. Cranberry juice can help prevent UTIs
Exit Ticket 2/4/14 Answer the following on the BACK of your Do Now paper. Answer from MEMORY! 1)What is the waste product removed by the respiratory system? 2)How does that waste product get from cells to the lungs?
Evening Assignment Tonight Study for quiz on body system… Common diseases/disorders Life functions Nervous & Integumentary systems