Local Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility SANTA LUCIJA LOCAL COUNCIL Mayor Mr Fredrick Cutajar REACTION Project Local resources to face the crisis Spittal an der Drau (Austria) 11th – 13th April 2013 Morning Session
Santa Lucija few mineral resources as in the case of all the Maltese Islands. The resources are human and systems which to date are not harnessed as they should In this context the Council set out to create an Action Plan in a bid to use all resources wisely The use of resources however is based through a Charter for residents developed through Corporate Social Responsibility
The basic idea is in the promotion of green economy and living ecologically LIVING GREENER LIVING. This is based on the fundamental urban design of the town which is a garden town. The Action Plan and Environmental Programme consists multi-speed projects devised into nodes promoting the garden principle, the conservation of space and architecture, designing harmonious state of the art green solutions.
The Local Council in this commitment went a step further in devising a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in May 2010 and devising projects with tangible results promoting Energy Efficiency This Action Plan and Environmental Programme takes stock of these objectives and goes beyond the SEAP. This Action Plan and Environmental Programme also refers to the EU Programmes and funding opportunities to target earmarked areas in the urban and rural areas of Santa Luċija and develop sustainable and eco-friendly projects.
Living Green Living is our driving vision to create a healthier society based on five main pillars; 1. Conservation; 2. Local Jobs for Local People through Green Skills; 3. Transition in Transit; 4. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; 5. Better Living and Climate Change.
The strategic commitments of the Council are very similar to the planning commitments listed in the Local Plan that is the following targets; 1. encourage the dual or multi-purpose use and impact of existing educational facilities, 2. consolidate the provision of additional social and community facilities, 3. facilitate the ‘aging in place’ concept, 4. improve health facilities. The environment of Malta’s Garden Town is the raison d'être not only of its citizens but also of its visitors. For the Environmental Programme the following are the topmost priorities; 1. Wise use of resources; 2. A cleaner quieter town; 3. Redevelopment of Green amenities; 4. Sustainable Agriculture; 5. Protection of Water resources; 6. Protection of nature; 7. Recycling priorities.
The project sites are within the Local Council Boundary targeting; (1) The re-use of the area adjacent to Pjazza 7 ta’ Lulju (A1); (2) The Trim-Trail and Olive Garden (A2); (3) The Margret Mortimer School (A3). (4) The areas in between Blocks XI-XIV (N1); (5) The parking area opposite Binja tal- Faqqanija (A4); (6) The revamping of Blocks I-VIII (N2); (7) The revamping of other Apartment Blocks (N3); Other related projects; (1) The revamping and extension of the Chinese Garden (A5); (2) The revamping of the belvedere area (A6). Cross-Cutting Measures; (1) Social Inclusion Partnerships— Neighbourhood Empowerment. (2) Local Jobs for Local People—GREGS for Green Skills, (3) Green Jobs for Sustainable Construction— NESSIE. (4) Encourage alternative Green Transit measures for local-district interconnectivity (5) Health and Wellness Society—Citizens in Action (6) Waste management—Underground waste transport
Local Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility SANTA LUCIJA LOCAL COUNCIL Mayor Mr Fredrick Cutajar REACTION Project Thank-you Local resources to face the crisis Spittal an der Drau (Austria) 11th – 13th April 2013 Morning Session