Culture Test Test – November 21 st
Urbanization Growth of cities/people moving from rural areas into urban areas
Immigrant A person who moves into a country (in)
Emigrant A person who leaves a place (exits)
Population The total number of people living in an area
Migration The movement of people from one place to another
Demography The study of population and its patterns
Push Pull Theory Explains why people move out of one place and into another place
Life Expectancy The average number of years that a person is expected to live
Refugee A person who is forced to flee their country for their own safety
Death rate The number of deaths in a year per 1,000 people
Birthrate The number of births in a year per 1,000 people
Urban Areas Areas of dense population (big cities and towns near big cities)
Rural Areas Areas that have low population density (countryside & small towns)
Internal Migration The movement of people within a country
International Migration The movement of people from one country to another country
I hope GREAT! I hope GREAT! How are you doing?
Culture the way of life of a group of people
Government a system that uses its power to create laws and make decisions for an area of land.
Dictatorship where all the power rests with one person
Monarchy where a king or queen inherits power (born into it)
Republic where the people have control of the government
Nuclear Family 1.Family is made up of the parents and children
Extended Family Family is made up of several generations of family members (grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, etc.)
Economy the way a group of people manages its money and resources to produce, buy, and sell goods and services.
Traditional Economy Type of economy where the customs, traditions, and habits of the group influence the producing, buying, and selling of goods.
Command Economy Type of economy where the economic decisions are made by the central government.
Market Economy Type of economy where the government stays out and prices are set by supply and demand.
Mixed Economy Type of economy where both the government and the market play roles in the economy.
Polytheistic vs. Monotheistic Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam Polytheistic No gods Monotheistic
Founder (Important Person) Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam No Founder Siddhartha Abraham Jesus Muhammad
Location of Origin Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam India Israel Saudi Arabia
Name given to followers Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam Hindus Buddhists Jews Christians Muslims
Yes, you are, trust me…if you know these, you will do well! You are going to do great on this test!
Samsara Cycle of life/death/rebirth (reincarnation)
Karma “What goes around comes around.”
Buddha “The enlightened one”
Baptism 1.Submersion into water (death to self and rebirth in Christ)
Communion 1.Act of eating bread & drinking wine/juice; represents Jesus’ sacrifice
Trinity 1.Christians belief that God is made up: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit
Messiah 1.Anointed one
Tanakh/Torah 1.The Jewish holy book
Synagogue 1.A Jewish place of worship
Rabbi 1.Jewish teacher and leader
Allah 1.Islamic God
Koran/Quran 1.Islamic holy book
Mosque 1.Islamic place of worship
5 Pillars of Islam 1.Specific duties that Muslims are required to do
Let me know you reviewed this! Have a great night! 1.I need you to do one thing for me!