Standards, improvement, efficiency: an MLA perspective Andrew Stevens MLA Standards, improvement, efficiency: an MLA perspective Andrew Stevens MLA
Local government policy framework Community led priorities and performance management Community involvement/engagement in design and delivery of services Cross sector and cross authority working – partnerships and complex delivery chains Cost reduction and efficiency Local Authority as commissioner – working with a mix of public and private sector provision
Efficiency and public libraries Challenges: Gershon, Spending Review and more (or less) Resources too thinly spread Complexity and duplication of processes Standardise processes but also fostering innovation Models to drive improvement Getting the best from local, regional and national capacity
Standards help technology to be a good servant Better for customers Faster, more flexible service delivery Seamless, accessible and easy to use resources Connecting local and wider resources Membership, inter library lending, catalogue access … Better for libraries Cost reduction – aggregation and streamlining of backroom process Reduced potential for error Know what you get Value from investment – flexible application Better for suppliers Clarity of user requirements Cost reduction Focus on common agenda for improvement Innovation focused on added value
What next for MLA? Standards EDI Stock categories Publishers pilot Link to LMS specifications Good practice Costing tool Good practice Strategic fit Emerging libraries action plan Service models and efficiency
Thank you for listening Andrew Stevens