Course Introduction
Math is an important subject: We live in a changing world. The need to understand Math in everyday life has never been greater and will continue to increase. Math competence opens doors to productive futures and fuller lives. Math also called NUMERACY and it is the only language shared by all human beings regardless of culture, religion, or gender, and it connects us with people across continents and through time.
Math is different than other subjects: Math is learned by doing problems so you must do the HOMEWORK; Each class builds on the previous ones, so you must keep up with the Instructor; Many of the ideas hang together. Identifying and learning the key concepts means you don't have to memorize as much.
Class Structure: POD (Problem of the day); HW Checking; Investigation/Presentation; Guided and independent practice; Assessment activity and Homework assignments.
Grading Policy Class work (POD, discussion, practice, group project, etc) will graded in completion for 15%; Homework will graded for correctness for 25%; Assessment work including quiz, chapter test, etc) will graded for correctness for 60%. All make-up work (homework, quiz and test) must turn in no later than two calendar days.
Recommendations for Success: Pay full attention and actively participate in class; Complete homework assignments nightly; Always show all your work; Consistently and thoroughly complete all assignments; Adequately prepare for tests; Seek help when it’s needed;