Compilation of the GHG Inventory – Uganda’s experience Magezi-Akiiki Department of Meteorology P. O. Box 7025 Kampala, Uganda CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for the African Region – Pretoria, South Africa 18 – 22 September 2006
Introduction Land locked Country with in the East Africa Region Economy depends on agriculture which accounts for about 40% of GDP Industrial base comprises mainly light industries characterized by processing of raw materials from agriculture, forestry and water bodies (10% of GDP) Transport and Communication is on of the service industries which is growing fast
Introduction (contd) Uganda signed the UNFCCC on 13 th June 1992 and ratified it on 8 th September 1993 Uganda compiled its GHG Inventory in 1994 with GEF/UNEP funding Inventory was updated in 1995 under the U.S. Country Studies Programme Covered: Energy, Industrial Processes, Solvents, Agriculture and Savannah Burning, Land Use Change and Forestry, and wastes
Industrial Processes Cement production (Two Factories) Lime Production Foam Mattress Production Solvents (Paint and Dry Cleaning industries)
Problems Encountered Insufficient Data (Many small lime producers- efficiency not known, Gaps, Not digitized) Lack of Transparency in Data release (Awareness, Weak inter-institutional collaboration) Lack of National Emission Factors – IPCC Default Factors used Lack of relevant Policies (Collection and storage of relevant data) Lack of follow-up activities (Limited Funds)
Recommendations Awareness raising for key Stakeholders (data collection and storage) Government to develop climate policy Sensitization of relevant bodies on data collection (Uganda Manufacturers Association, Uganda Investment Authority, Uganda National Bureau of Standards)
Recommendations (contd) Determination of Local Emission Factors under the Enabling Activities Phase II Up-dating the Inventory as part of compilation of the 2 nd National Communication GEF and other donors should provide funding for follow-up activities