Introduction A GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE WCD FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS & APPLICATION Alex Muhweezi & Chihenyo Mvoyi IUCN Uganda Country Office
Introduction Format Why was WCD put in place? Hat were the objectives of WCD? How did WCD implement is mandate What were the findings What were the recommendations Hw do we apply these recommendations The UGANA case
Introduction The WCD Why the WCD: –Growing conflicts throughout the world regarding the development of large dams Objectives: 1. Review the development effectiveness of large dams and assess aernatives for water and energey development
Introduction Objectives continued: 2. Develop internally accepted criteria, guidelines and standards for panning, design, appraisal, construction, operation, monitoring and decommissioning of dams
Introduction WCD operations Worked as an independent body …with Secretariat and Panel of experts observing as Steering Committee + TaskForces Studies and assessments Consultations - 68 member forums 53 Public, private Sector and CSO provided support
Introduction Findings General Issues e.g., –Definition of dams, Why dams have been built, Dams and energy, Impact of dams, Decision making on dams, Cost Benefit Analysis, Addressing management of fresh waters Technical e.g., Cost benefit analysis, Options to water use, Consultations and participation in planning and decision making Ecosystem People and Dams social aspects, upstream downstream effects, etc.
Introduction Findings- Technical Short comings on dams - targets, time deadlines, sedimentation, environmental, social effects, ecosystems, failing mitigation measures Benefits- water, flood control, multiple benefits Options for Water and Energy Resources Development Decision making, Planning and Compliance
Introduction Recommendations – Core Values: Equity, Sustainability,,Efficiency, Participatory decision – making,Accountability. Gaining public acceptance Comprehensive options assessment Addressing existing dams Sustaining rivers and livelihoods Recognizing entitlements and benefits sharing Ensuring compliance Sharing rivers for peace, development and security
Introduction Recommendations – Strategies for planning and designing dams 7 strategic priorities: gaining public acceptance, comprehensive options assessment, addressing existing dams, sustaining rivers and livelihoods, recognizing entitlements and sharing benefits, ensuring compliance, and sharing rivers for peace, development and security.
Introduction Applying WCD Recommendations WCD Report not a Blue print Geared towards strengthen/improving Decision making regarding dams and development Identify areas of work
Introduction Purpose of Presentation Share Uganda’s experience with the SNDF workshop participants regarding: –Facing the challenges of dams development; –Efforts to address one of the key challenge: Good decision making as it relates to large dams and development
Introduction Initiating the Dialogue 2004 national workshop “Towards making World Commission on Dams (WCD) Outcomes a Reality”. Why? Uganda’s challenge of developing large dams on R. Nile….so target of the workshop was to disseminate the WCD 2000 report….its findings and recommendations.
Introduction Outcome of the workshop Multi-stakeholder Forum was proposed and given the following mandate: Critically review the WCD recommendations so as to put them into the Uganda perspective, provide mechanism for ensuring broad participation by government, private sector, civil society, dam affected communities and academia; and to positively contribute to decisions regarding dams development in Uganda
Introduction Progress To-date UDDF has been created as an institution with participation by all stakeholders with full organizational structures including Steering Committee chaired by Government Ministry, with representation from several stakeholders and secretariat provide by an NGO. Completed a Scoping report of the WCD 2000 report
Introduction Progress To-date Convening Multi-stakeholder consultative forums that have focused on: –sharing information, views and perspectives through effective dialogue among the various stakeholders. –providing a neutral forum for dialogue aimed at strengthening collaboration between the various parties in dam development in Uganda.
Introduction Key recommendations that have evolved out of the process Proposing and publicizing a definition for dams that reflects Uganda’s situation. Supporting Government of Uganda to develop policy guidelines for the development and management of dams, based on credible information generated from comprehensive feasibility studies and taking into account the following core values: Equity, Participation, Sustainability, Rights and Socio-cultural values.
Introduction Key recommendations that have evolved out of the process Support Government of Uganda to develop and implement a comprehensive policy on resettlement and equitable compensation of dam affected people. Support Government of Uganda to convene forums for promoting stakeholders participation in identification, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of dam development projects.
Introduction Key recommendations that have evolved out of the process Lobby government to undertake institutional capacity reviews to identify the gaps and weaknesses in the existing institutions involved in dam development and take appropriate actions to address the findings and recommendations
Introduction Key recommendations that have evolved out of the process Provide a neutral platform for arbitration for cases where conflicts arise from dams’ development projects. Lobby for and monitor and compliance of dam construction to the national engineering regulations. Develop institutional structures of the UDDDF in order to gain recognition for the Forum as valuable entity in Uganda.
Introduction Outcomes /Impacts Milestone in the quest for strengthening decisions making process in Uganda regarding dams and development. NGO initiative has become a neutral platform for all stakeholders to meet and articulate issues in harmony
Introduction Outcomes/impacts Confidence building among stakeholders, including within government, to dialogue about the issues of dams and development in Uganda Capacity to influence decisions on dams…e.g., Nov 2007 World Bank and African Development Bank Inspection panel on Bulagali dam.
Introduction Challenge Too early to celebrate…..more work needs to be done and sustained. UDDF is young institutions undergoing organizational formation……especially, capacity to facilitate dialogue and build trust and confidence among stakeholders that would pave ay for “credible” influence to decision making regarding large dams development.