WELCOME AP Computer Science A Ms. Pack
Basic Information AP Computer Science A Ms. Pack Room Phone: ext Website: http
Who am I? Hobbies: Golf, going to movies Love to watch reality competition shows Family: no children or spouse – 3 sisters and a brother who all live out west Graduated from Penn State Have worked in computers for my entire career (before teaching years) Programmed in several languages Fourth year as a teacher
What will you be doing this year? Advanced Placement Computer Science A Comparable to a first-year college level course Improve your problem-solving skills Learn programming by doing You will write your own programs to perform different tasks You will become prepared for a successful outcome when you take the College Board Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam
Course Requirements What do you need to be successful? What are the rules in this classroom? What are the consequences for not following a rule? How will you be graded? What are the classroom procedures?
What do you need to be successful? FOCUS - Take careful notes during class. Be in attendance and on time for class every day. Listen and learn. BE INQUISITIVE –Don’t be afraid to experiment and make mistakes (you sometimes learn more from mistakes). Ask questions and learn from each other – share knowledge PREPARE - Read the textbook section relevant to the day’s work or watch the assigned video. Prepare for tests prior to the night before. FOLLOW THROUGH - Do your homework everyday. Use the supplemental web resources to complete homework and enhance your understanding of the material. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO GET BEHIND ON YOUR HOMEWORK!! FOCUS – BE INQUISITIVE – PREPARE – FOLLOW THROUGH
Other helpful hints to be successful Seek extra help before school, after school, or during the day; and Always be a proactive learner. Keep your work organized – put your name, date, and class period on everything; Keep your notebook current – always write lots of notes to yourself about what you are learning. Nothing can substitute for doing problems;
What are the rules in this classroom? University High rules and discipline procedures need to be followed Everyone in the classroom deserves respect Cell phones need to remain hidden and not used during class Be respectful of the classroom (no food/drink in computer area) No cheating
What are the consequences for not following a rule? If you choose to break a classroom rule, one or more of the following consequences will be used: I will ask you to correct the inappropriate behavior. I will conference with you (either in my office during class time or at my convenience). Parents may be contacted at this point. Parents/administrators/guidance counselors are made aware of the problem that you are having trouble correcting. You are asked to serve a detention at my convenience either during lunch or before or after school. I will give you 24 hours notice. You are separated from the group and must work alone. You are referred to an administrator and they will discipline you.
Other Items You are encouraged to take notes. I will be providing lots of templates for your notebooks to help with this. No writing in the textbooks Please bring flash drive every day Any test or quiz may require a pencil Homework is critical – more on this later I will dismiss the class – don’t pack up or leave your seat early.
How will you be graded? GRADING POLICY – Tests/Projects45% – Quizzes/Labs30% – Homework/Classwork/Notebook25%
Classroom Procedures Come into classroom and have a seat before the bell rings. Log in and do any bellwork. When you are tardy, come in and have a seat. You must have a pass. Pay attention and take notes during class Bathroom breaks during class are discouraged but granted (use the pass and fill out the log). Each student has 10 pass uses per quarter for any purpose (bathroom included). After 10 – you will be marked as tardy for the class in ProgresBook.
When You Are Absent When you are absent, please provide me with a signed/dated note within two days (I will provide a form) You will be responsible for making up homework during your absence (usually there will not be a time extension for due date) Look on my website to review lectures and to get your homework If you missed a quiz or test because of your absence, arrange a time with me to make up the test during non-class time.
Homework Policy If you miss my class, please check the day’s lesson plan on my website for the day’s homework assignment. I allow late homework because I want you to do your homework. Late homework will be penalized 8 points for each school day late.
Notebook Composition book only Format will be shown in class All non-electronic assignments and class notes will be in this book Random checks will be made of the notebook for completeness and a grade will be recorded My version will be available to view on-line
Seating Chart Initially the seating chart will be alphabetized by last name Periodically, I will scramble the seating chart If you have any special needs (i.e. hearing or seeing issues) that could affect where you need to sit, please let me know. I will attempt to give all students the same amount of time sitting up front, since it is always an advantage to sit in the front.
AP Computer Science Website http OR go to University High website and pick me from the Faculty/Staff webpages
Most Importantly Remember… I truly believe in your potential! Have an awesome year! -Ms. Pack