The Roaring 20’s
The Results of WWI Red Scare – fear of radicals, Communists, and Socialism Immigration restricted Post-war labor strikes –due to demobilization – peace time after war KKK grew –hated blacks, Jews, Catholics, & Darwinists
The Red Scare feared communism & socialism would spread from Russia to U.S. Palmer Raids – arrest & deport radical leftists, especially anarchists
Immigration *nativism – opposition to immigration; distinguishes between Americans who were born here and immigrants 1921 Emergency Quota Act – fed. law that limited annual # of immigrants 1924 National Origins Act (a.k.a. Immigration Act) – more strict fed. law that limited # of immigrants who could be admitted from any country GOAL restrict Southern and Eastern Europeans & Asians & reduce immigration! Chinese Exclusion Act – 1 st nationality to be excluded by immigration restrictions
Sacco & Vanzetti Italian born Americans but foreign anarchists tried, convicted, & executed for “armed robbery & murder”; evidence didn’t match up, but didn’t matter Xenophobia – fear of what is foreign (especially people)
KKK the rise of xenophobia & nativism led to increased membership opposed immigration by mid-1920’s, there were 5 million members influenced politics & elections; even the Presidency
Post War Labor Strikes 4.5 million returning soldiers needed jobs War materials no longer needed, neither their employees UNEMPLOYMENT! Labor strikes: –shorter hours & more pay
A Changing Society women urban life (industrial life) prohibition leisure time –music & art –sports –movies
Women –19 th amendment – gave women the right to vote women got the right to vote because of the war (they worked the jobs for the boys while they were away) –education (college attendance) –flappers
Prohibition 18 th amendment – made it illegal to produce or sell alcohol enforcement very hard illegal alcohol made from perfume & paint speakeasies – secret, illegal clubs serving alcohol bootleggers – people who smuggled it into the U.S. making alcohol: –Legal business CRIMINAL work –MAFIA: Al Capone 21 st amendment – ended prohibition
Scopes Trial John T. Scopes – teacher who taught Darwinism & evolution –“–“survival of the fittest” determines the success of people in society William Jennings Bryan – “Bible expert” for prosecution & presidential candidate; did not succeed Charles Darrow – famous criminal attorney –A–ACLU defends Scopes Evolution vs. Creation – divided public opinion fundamentalism vs. modernism –f–fundamentalism – strict following of the Bible –m–modernism – idea of the power of the human being
Clarence Darrow & William Jennings Bryan
Music – Jazz Age developed in the south (New Orleans) Blues expressed the difficulties that blacks faced during slavery as blacks moved north, they took this with them W.C. Handy – the father of the blues Bessie Smith – Empress of the Blues Louis Armstrong – innovative jazz musician (solos); most famous
Great Migration 90% of black Americans lived in the South before WWI Moved to the North (Chicago & New York) for jobs & to escape KKK!!! 53% of black Americans lived in South in 1970
The Harlem Renaissance Harlem, NY – the largest black community the renaissance – a period of black artistic accomplishment –Langston Hughes – author –Zora Hurston – author –James Weldon Johnson – poet Blacks were free but segregated
Sports BASEBALL Football Tennis Golf
Movies tch?v=79i84xYelZIhttp:// tch?v=79i84xYelZI
Industry Henry Ford & Model T –lowered the price of the automobile –by using the assembly line assembly line – a system of machines that moved products “down the line” –cut time of assembly
A Consumer Culture Business Booms! new products to enjoy/consume (ex. car, washing machine, vacuums, refrigerators) bought through installment plans –“Ride Now, Pay Later” advertising increase (radio, magazines, newspapers)
Farmers war led to increase in demand & prices –h–had to feed the troops peace time led to overproduction & low prices (competition) not prosperous
World News European Union being developed Hong Kong – dependent territory of UK from Africa – Britain, France, Germany all colonized Africa (took over native’s lands) Lucky Lindy – transatlantic flight Amelia Earhart – 1 st female
1. Which group of people were excluded from entering the country in the 1920s? –a. Italians –b. Irish –c. Chinese –d. Polish
2. Which term implies that because you were born here, you are more American? –a. nativism –b. xenophobia –c. patriotism –d. socialism
3. Which amendment gave women the right to vote? –a. 15 –b. 18 –c. 19 –d. 21
4. Which amendment prohibited alcohol sales? –a. 15 –b. 18 –c. 19 –d. 21
5. Which person is credited with making cars affordable? –a. Langston Hughes –b. Henry Ford –c. Louis Armstrong –d. FDR