1 School of Computer Science Open Day Presentation Barry Cheetham (PGR Admissions & CS-CDT Acting Manager) 28 November 2012
Also Prof. Tom Thomson “Nanotechnology CDT (NOWNANO) ) Prof. Andy Brass Systems Biology CDT Chris Farrington Application & admissions procedures
3 Research Programmes PhD (3-year) PhD in Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) (4-year) MPhil by Research (1 year) (MPhil can sometimes be extended to PhD) Others (See University web-site) Research Degrees
4 EPSRC CENTRE FOR DOCTORAL TRAINING IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS-CDT) Only CDT in Computer Science. Started At least 15 studentships available each year for home/EU Full fees/maintenance support for 4 years. Most funding available for home/EU will be for CDT. For CDT, all PhD’s are 4 years. Currently no definite funding for international students Externally funded students eligible Traditional 3-year PhD’s continuing. Research Studies
5 CDT – Other Differences Six months of ‘inauguration’: Training in methods of research Taught modules Introduction to all our research topics Meet potential supervisors ‘Sample project’ PhD topic assigned at end of inauguration period. Becomes normal PhD after initial 6 months 3.5 years for research, writing up, publishing etc. Research Studies
6 Our research Areas Formal Methods Machine Learning and Optimisation Information Management Text Mining BioHealth Informatics Advanced Processor Technologies Nano Engineering and Storage Tech Imaging Science & Biomedical Eng Advanced Interfaces Software Systems Research Groups
7 Conventional 3-year PhDs To continue, but there will be less funding for home/EU No changes for externally funded overseas students. Application procedure same as before: Select a supervisor or a project. Fill in on-line form & attach the following: a research proposal a personal statement. You may discuss research proposal with potential supervisor. You may base it on one of our published research projects: Personal statement may add any detail you feel is relevant. Research Studies
8 CDT applications Enter via: Not obliged to specify a supervisor, nor a project. However, applicants can do so if they wish. Attach ‘statement of intent’ in place of ‘research proposal’ (Details on next page) Encouraged to look at staff research profiles, existing projects etc. to gain impression of what we do in the School, Contact possible supervisors to discuss research ideas. Initial relationship may lead to choice of PhD topic. But this is not guaranteed. All applications considered by CDT admissions panel. Short-listed candidates will be invited for interview. Funded awarded along with place on the programme Research Studies
9 Qualifications Required 2.1 hons degree (or equivalent) in Science or Eng. or First degree with additional UK Masters Degree For non-UK applicants, English Language: IELTS 7 Cambridge Proficiency minimum level C TOEFL 600 (paper based) or 250 (computer based) Two letters of reference confirming applicant’s academic or research skills. Research Degrees
10 Funding and Studentships Studentships available to UK and EU nationals who wish to start a PhD through the CS-CDT in September UK/EU applicants must be eligible to pay ‘home fees’. To apply for a funded place, refer to our ‘How To Apply’ page International students can apply for: PDS Awards (first deadline 7 Dec 2012): degrees/studentships/presidents-doctoral-scholar-awards-2013/ Partial fees waivers Research Degrees
11 CDT: ‘Statement of Intent’ Included with CDT application to give us the following info Why you are applying for a CDT award Why you believe you are well qualified to undertake a PhD What areas of research you are most interested in Your current perspective of why these areas are important and worth studying. Any other information you consider relevant. (publications, relevant work experience etc.) Research Studies
12 Research Selected Topics