Lesson 3 11E.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 3 11E


The Circular flow of Income The National income (rent, wages, interest and profits) Supply labour, land, capital, entrepreneurs The Output of goods and services Consumers Firms Consumption expenditure

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An increase in output, real GDP, over a given period of time. The key macroeconomic concepts Economic Growth An increase in output, real GDP, over a given period of time. The rate of economic growth is used as a major indicator of economic performance. A positive, stable and sustainable rate of growth is a key macroeconomic objective for government.

An increase in the general price level over a given period of time. The key macroeconomic concepts Inflation An increase in the general price level over a given period of time. The rate of inflation is used as a major indicator of economic performance. A low and stable rate of inflation is a key macroeconomic objective for government.

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To manage the macroeconomy we need to measure actual and potential output If actual output> potential output = positive output gap= inflationary gap Output (real GDP) Actual output Output Gaps Trend output= potential GDP Peak boom Peak Trough If actual output< potential output = negative output gap= deflationary gap Contraction Expansion When an economy comes out of a recession i.e. real GDP begins to rise again this is called a recovery (economic growth will be positive eg. 0.2%) Trough If real GDP falls for 2 consecutive quarters it is called a recession (economic growth will be negative eg. -1%) Time

http://www. guardian. co http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/interactive/2008/oct/22/creditcrunch-recession

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