ASERL IT/Digital Interest Group Webinar November 12, 2009 P. Toby Graham Director, Digital Library of Georgia Acting Director, Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library Digital Library of Georgia University of Georgia Libraries and GALILEO
Georgia HomePLACE Partnership with GPLS, public library systems, and allied organizationsPartnership with GPLS, public library systems, and allied organizations Combines projects of statewide and local scopeCombines projects of statewide and local scope 22 digital collections since digital collections since 2004 Needs assessment/project selection based on survey and site visitsNeeds assessment/project selection based on survey and site visits
Historical Newspapers Georgia HomePLACE: Macon Telegraph, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, Columbus Enquirer, Milledgeville, Milledgeville, Atlanta (soon)Atlanta (soon) Other sponsorship: Southern Israelite, (with Breman Center)Southern Israelite, (with Breman Center) Red & Black, (UGA student newspaper)Red & Black, (UGA student newspaper) See: h ttp:// h ttp:// ttp://
Troup County, Georgia Superior Court Records 125,000 pages125,000 pages 19 th and early 20 th century19 th and early 20 th century NHPRC Digitizing Historic Records GrantNHPRC Digitizing Historic Records Grant
UGA Projects: Manuscripts E-Description Prep collection-level data MARC records in GIL/OCLC Conversion to MARC XML Load MARC XML to AT Identify/create container lists Prep vendor submissions EAD encoding (outsourced) Quality control EAD Merge MARC XML and container lists in AT Export complete EAD for each collection Load to public interface (XTF)
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