Physical Science Mr. Hoffman Mrs. Britz Room 241
Where to Find Me Here, in this room: 241 Periods for class: 4, 6 Prep Period (7 th ) and 8 th Period Phone:
Materials Needed Text book (left in the room) Pencil, blue or black pen Spiral Notebook 3-ring binder
Grading Total points for semester ◦ Homework ◦ Tests/quizzes ◦ Lab assignments ◦ Weekly time card Points continue through each quarter and keep building
To Pass To pass= 60% 59.9%=F Aim for higher than 60%
Tests/Quizzes Quizzes given often ◦ Check on your progress and understanding. ◦ Keep up with the material and seek help ASAP Tests every 2 to 3 weeks. ◦ Never given on Mondays. ◦ I will let you know a week in advance of test dates and remind you every day until test day. It will also be posted on my website. ◦ No excuse not to be ready
Homework Given almost every day Completed either in class or at home. From me or periodically from text. Do it. The majority of your grade will be from homework.
Success Come to class Do the homework. Communicate with me ◦ 8 th period, before school, after class ◦ Communicate with Mrs. Britz, Mrs. VanWetzinga, and/or Mr. Ambrose. WE ARE ALL HERE TO HELP YOU SUCCEED
Safety Physical science is an experimental science Some labs can be dangerous. Goggles will be worn at all times or when instructed
Rules Rule #1: Respect ◦To me ◦To others ◦School property ◦To yourself Pay Attention! Page 2 and 3 in syllabus ◦Read these carefully ◦FOLLOW THEM
Cell Phones If Mrs. Britz or I see it or notice you are using it ◦1st warning If either of us sees it or notices it again ◦I will take the phone and you will receive a Wednesday/Saturday session If we see it or notice you using it during a test???! ◦Don’t do this. This is considered cheating. EVEN AFTER YOU ARE DONE! ◦Zero on test ◦Further disciplinary procedures you do NOT want to deal with.
More success Do the homework. Go back through your notes Go back through power points and old unit assignments (almost everything is on my website) Do the homework. The ability to review is a great tool to have.
My Website ◦ Lectures: download as powerpoint or.pdf ◦ HW Packets: download as.pdf if you lose yours ◦ Weekly schedules/assignments ◦ Help links ◦ Other fun/interesting stuff
Problems? Come and see me me: Textbook (may not be exactly how I cover material, but can definitely help)