WELCOME TO LIFE-MANAGEMENT SKILLS HEALTH I CLASS 1.Let me know now if you think you already passed Health I. 2.Sit in alphabetical order 3. Review school rules 4. Fill out the book cards and sign them. Put your last name in the assigned book using ink please. 5 Review grades and portfolio requirements
WELCOME TO MS. GRIFFIN’S LIFE-MANAGEMENT SKILLS HEALTH I CLASS 1.To succeed you must be willing to do homework, which entails you read each night. If you choose not to read you may be lost. PLEASE READ. 2.Feel free to move ahead in this class. You may look at the assignment page and see what chapter is next. Then start reading or vocabulary work. 3.If you have extra time, why not make your dividers for the past unit?
SUCCESS DEPENDS ON THE FOLLOWING THINGS: 4 Do your best to complete all assigned readings. 4 Take notes during all lectures. Prepare for tests by doing class assignments, studying the vocabulary and reading the chapter pages assigned. PEOPLE DON’T PLAN TO FAIL; THEY FAIL TO PLAN!
SUCCESS DEPENDS ON THE FOLLOWING THINGS: 4 All assessments should demonstrate a comprehension of the readings and the vocabulary. 4 Late work will be graded to help you but it will not count for a grade. Please pay attention to due dates and use your planners
COMPUTERS 4 SCHOOL RULES 4 Do not open your computers without permission –No music –No instant messages
COMPUTERS 4 You may not print without permission 4 You may not print if you do not bring in one full pack of paper 4 You must be on assigned web sites 4 You may only plug them in by the tables or shelves.
GROUP WORK 4 You will have individual components (grades) as well as a group grade on all group assignments. 4 You do the entire project alone if you miss planning days 4 You lose presentation points if you are absent and did not call your team to cover.
CLASS PROCEDURES 4 Be on time for class and begin Journal activity promptly –Arrive late: put pass on my chair and do not interrupt me –NO Pass? No entry-just go to IS as school rule dictates- Don’t interrupt class Be respectful to your classmates Restroom Passes will be given sparingly so be sure it is an emergency. Find a time to request a pass when I am able to give it to you.
Procedure should you break a school rule: 4 I will place a detention on your desk –You will fill out the detention in full with rule infraction, day you can serve it and a parent phone number. THEN PLACE IT ON MY DESK –I will sign it and return it by the end of class –I will call the parent number as required by school rules
Detention Infractions 4 Unexcused tardy period 1 4 Not having class supplies: paper, pen & pencil, textbook, class notebook 4 Cutting class 4 Eating / drinking in class 4 Gum chewing/writing on desks 4 Opening computers w/out permission 4 Breaking school rules……..
MAKE GOOD USE OF YOUR TIME 4 My hope is that you will become mature thinkers who will analyze health situations and become good HEALTH ADVOCATORS! 4 WELCOME to Life-Management Skills!