DARFUR © Oxfam photo Geoff Sayar, Uganda © Oxfam photo Eva Lotta-Jansson, Sudan
About Sudan Sudan is the largest country in Africa and has a population of 35 million. Despite an abundance of oil and other natural resources, the vast majority of Sudan’s people live in poverty, and its Government has been described as ‘the most repressive regime in the world’.
About Darfur Darfur is an area in western Sudan the size of France. It is home to six million people living largely rural lives – some nomadic herders, some settled farmers. An entirely Muslim region, its name means Homeland (Dar) of the Fur – one of its largest ethnic groups. EPA/ALIWEDA/ Indonesia
About Darfurians Most of the residents of Darfur are Muslims. Some Darfurians speak Arabic and identify as Arabs; others speak African dialects and identify as Africans. Many of the African Darfurians belong to the Fur, Massalit and Zaghawa tribes. © Oxfam Photo- Adrian McKintyre, Sudan
How did the Conflict Start? The conflict in Sudan was sparked when rebels from Darfur attacked a government air force base in 2003. In retaliation for this attack, Sudan’s military and the government-backed militias, the Janjaweed, have attacked the African residents of Darfur. © Oxfam photo, Nicki Bennett, Sudan
Violence in Darfur Darfur is currently one of the most dangerous places on the planet. It has 14,000 aid workers – the world’s largest humanitarian operation. Since the 2006 Darfur Peace Agreement, attacks against peacekeepers and humanitarian workers have increased ninefold. © Oxfam photo Eva Lotta-Jansson, Somalia
The Impact of the Conflict Since the current conflict began in 2003: Over 400,000 Darfurian civilians have died 2.8 million people have been displaced within Sudan. 90 per cent of the villages have been destroyed © Oxfam photo, Anonymous, Somalia
Who’s Responsible? Janjaweed militia and Government forces have been responsible for 97 per cent of the killing. And, 3.6 million people are dependent on international humanitarian assistance. , © Oxfam photo Anonymous, Sudan
Who are the Janjaweed? The word means "a man with a gun on a horse." Janjaweed militiamen are primarily members of nomadic "Arab" tribes who've long been at odds with Darfur's settled "African" farmers, who are darker-skinned. The government helped organize and equip them with weapons. , © Oxfam photo Jane Beesley, Kenya © Reuters, Candace Feit, Sudan
Women and Girls in Darfur Of the 2.5 million Darfuri civilians that are displaced and living in refugee camps, in Chad and the Central African Republic, around 80% are women and girls. Women and girls in Darfur routinely face assault and harassment when they leave the camps to collect firewood grass, and water. , © Oxfam photo Caroline Gluck, Uganda
Who’s Protecting Women? The only real protection being provided for Darfuri women and girls has been provided by the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS), but its numbers, resources and mandate have been severely limited. , © Oxfam Photo- Helen Palmer, Sudan
The Response from the World So far the world community has done very little to help people suffering in Darfur. A number of African countries have given a small number of troops in an effort to stop the genocide. , © Oxfam Photo- Adrian McKintyre, Sudan