Deep Run Senior Project An Opportunity for the Class of 2010 to Forge a New Tradition at Deep Run
What you already know Long-term independent project Topic selected by you Supporting cast to guide you Research AND action involved Produce an end product Share your learning with the community Earn intrinsic rewards Stand out from the crowd on college and scholarship applications Earn school recognition
Is it in you? The passion to learn about a topic The desire to share your learning The willingness to accept and apply constructive feedback The commitment to stay on track Minimum of a C in English 11 Passing all other courses In good standing regarding behavior
There’s a reason it’s optional The SP may not be for you IF… –You’re struggling to pass your classes. –You’re taking several AP courses. –You’re stretched thin with commitments to other activities, clubs, work, etc. –You need someone looking over your shoulder every second to make sure you’re doing your work. –You can’t think of anything you really want to learn more about. –You’re unable or unwilling to accept and apply constructive feedback gracefully.
Today’s agenda Provide more details about the general information you’ve heard Show you how to access the Senior Project Guide for 2009/2010 Answer questions we’ve been asked already Answer other questions you have Review the steps you need to complete by June 25, 2009 if you’re interested in the SP program
Research topic You choose it (must not violate school and district policies) Select ONE of FIVE broad areas of interest… –Literature & History –Social Sciences –Fine Arts –Science & Health –Business, technology, and industrial sciences Brainstorm project ideas in that area
Final product Select ONE of THREE formats Analysis and Action –Writing a scientific report, literary analysis, historical study, etc. –Showcases analytical skills Exhibition –Performing/showing work –Showcases creative, artistic skills Demonstration –Explaining/demonstrating a process –Showcases technical, mechanical, construction, or restoration skills
What else is involved? Core elements of every format: –Work log –Reflective journal –Topic research guide –Community sharing –Oral presentation to review board –Personal reflection Must represent NEW learning for you Must demand at least 40 hours of work to complete
How do I get in? The preliminary project proposal is due no later than June 25, In September, you work with your advisor/mentor to refine your ideas and develop a detailed final project proposal and a letter of intent. The Proposal Review Committee assesses proposals using a rubric. –If your proposal meets their approval, you are admitted into the program. –If it does not, you’re given ONE chance to revise and resubmit it. –If it falls short again, you will not be admitted into the program.
What happens after that? Put your plan into action –Keep a log of the time you spend –Journal about your process –Research your topic –Document your research with a working bibliography –Practice relevant skills –Create your final product –Share with the community –Present to the review board
How do I stay in? Demonstrate steady progress toward fulfilling the plan you detailed in your project proposal Document your process and keep records of the sources you use in your research Meet performance expectations as reflected in the following… –Journal, log, and documentation checks completed by mentor/advisor in October and November –Interim progress report completed by your mentor/advisor in December
What if I’m not progressing? If you’re serious about the SP, then you should be making progress, particularly with the supporting cast involved. If you are NOT meeting expectations regarding progress by the interim progress report in December, you will be DROPPED from the program and will not receive school recognition related to the SP program.
Supporting cast Advisor –Teacher at Deep Run –Helps you stay on track Mentor –Might be a teacher, but more likely to be someone outside school building –Subject expertise/experience –Parents may not serve as mentors, but they can help you find mentors Program coordinators –Offer workshops –Moderate online discussion board –Organize and administer program
What’s in it for you? Learn about your topic and yourself Make the leap from knowing something to doing something with what you know Set yourself apart on your college application Increase your opportunities to qualify for scholarships
What’s in it for you? Community service hours (must adhere to HCPS community service guidelines) Excused absence from classes to participate in a mini-conference open to the community Recognition at the senior awards ceremony Special seal on your diploma A distinctive cord to wear at graduation IF your project exceeds standards
Assessment This is NOT about a course grade. Proposal Review Committee –Uses a rubric –Decides which projects qualify Mentor/Advisor –Journal, log, & documentation checks –Interim and final progress reports based in part on a rubric you create together
Assessment Project Review Board –Uses a rubric –Considers your entire project portfolio AND your presentation to them –Decides which projects meet, exceed, or substantially exceed standards You –Based on the rubric you create with your mentor –Reflective essay on your experience and performance
Who serves on the review committee and board? Proposal Review Committee and Project Review Board for each active area of interest –Teacher –Administrator –Program coordinator –Community member with experience or expertise in the area of interest –Parent who does not have a student participating in the SP program
Senior Project Guide Linked from the DRHS Library page:DRHS Library Contains all of the details about the project, including… –Sample preliminary project proposal –Blank preliminary project proposal –Resources to help you prepare the proposal
Questions we’ve heard Can I do this with a group? Can I switch my topic? If I don’t like my advisor or mentor, can I choose someone else? What keeps people from saying they’ve logged time they haven’t? Can my end product be a poster? Does taking music lessons count? Does doing a VJAS project count? Can I start this summer?
What questions do you have?
Still interested? Contact Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Smart ASAPMrs. Smith Mrs. Smart Review the Senior Project Guide No later than June 25, 2009, submit a completed preliminary project proposal to Mrs. Smith or Mrs. SmartMrs. Smith Mrs. Smart