What is a Patient Centered Medical Home and Who is NCQA?


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Presentation transcript:

Quality Improvement Program Patient-Centered Medical Home 2010 TITLE Quality Improvement Team Primary Care Information Project NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene Primary Care Information Project

What is a Patient Centered Medical Home and Who is NCQA? Specialist Patient Centered Home VNS PCP/ Patient Hospital Pharmacy COORDINATION OF CARE “There is a clear consensus that primary care needs to be at the center of a reformed US health care system. The Patient-centered Medical Home (PCMH) has emerged as the key strategy for the redesign of primary care. The PCMH model builds upon the core concepts of primary care that include accessible, accountable, coordinated, comprehensive, and continuous care in a healing physician-patient relationship over time. Added to these basic primary care concepts are features that improve quality of care, improve patient centeredness, organize care across teams, and reform the payment system to support this enhanced model of primary care.” doi: 10.1370/af m.1087  Annals of Family Medicine 8:88-89 (2010) © 2010 Annals of Family Medicine, Inc. 1 1

NCQA PCMH Nine Focus Areas The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) introduced the term “medical home” in 1967 and within a decade it was AAP policy.(18-20) Initially it was used to describe a single source of medical information about a patient but gradually grew to include a partnership approach with families to provide primary health care that is accessible, family-centered, coordinated, comprehensive, continuous, compassionate, and culturally effective. In 2002, AAP added an operational definition that lists 37 specific activities that should occur within a medical home. PPC1: Access and Communication PPC2: Patient Tracking and Registry Functions PPC3: Care Management PPC4: Patient Self-Management Support PPC5: Electronic Prescribing PPC6: Test Tracking PPC7: Referral Tracking PPC8: Performance Reporting and Improvement PPC9: Advanced Electronic Communication 2 2

THERE ARE 10 MUST-PASS ELEMENTS IN PCMH SCORING Points Elements Points 1: Access & Communication (9 pts) 1A: Access & communication processes 1B: Access & communication results 4 5 5: Electronic prescribing (8 pts) 5A: Electronic prescription writing 5B: Prescribing decision support-safety 5C: Prescribing decision support-efficiency 3 2 2 3 6 4 2: Patient Tracking & Registry Functions (21 pts) 2A: Basic system for managing patient data 2B: Electronic system for clinical data 2C: Use of electronic clinical data 2D: Organizing clinical data 2E: Identifying important conditions 2F: Use of system for population management 6: Test tracking (13 pts) 6A: Test-tracking and follow-up 6B: Electronic system for managing tests 7 6 7: Referral tracking (4 pts) 7A: Referral tracking 4 3: Care Management (20 pts) 3A: Guidelines for important conditions 3B: Preventive service clinician reminders 3C: Practice organization 3D: Care management of important conditions 3E: Continuity of care 8: Performance Reporting & Improvement (15 pts) 8A: Measures of performance 8B: Patient experience data 8C: Reporting to physicians 8D: Setting goals and taking action 8E: Reporting standardized measures 8F: Electronic reporting- external entities 3 4 5 3 2 1 9: Advanced Electronic Communications (4 pts) 9A: Availability of interactive website 9B: Electronic patient identification 9C: Electronic care management support 4: Patient Self-Management Support (6 pts) 4A: Documentation of communication needs 4B: Self-management support 1 2 2 4 TOTAL POINTS 100 3 Source: NCQA Overview Physician Practice Connections- Patient-Centered Medical Home (PPC-PCMH) 3

PPC-PCMH STRUCTURE DETAIL Description NCQA offers a 20 percent discount from the Full Survey to applicants sponsored by health plans, employers and other programs. PPC-PCMH applicants receive the discount when the: • Practice has 15 or fewer physicians and • Sponsor has ten or more applications in a market area within a twelve-month period. Achievement levels Level 1 25-49 points; Must-pass elements = 5 of 10, with performance of at least 50% Level 2 50-74 points; Must-pass elements = 10 of 10, with performance of at least 50% Level 3 75 points or more; Must-pass elements = 10 of 10, with performance of at least 50% IT requirements Basic: Requires electronic practice management Intermediate: Requires EHR or e-prescribing Advanced: Requires interoperable IT capabilities Practice conducts self-scoring assessment Practice completes on-line Survey Tool NCQA evaluates all data and documents & provides score At least 5% of practices receive additional, onsite audit by NCQA NCQA provides final information to the practice NCQA reports information on the practice, the providers and level of performance to NCQA & data users (health plans & physician directories) for practices that pass a level Steps for evaluation Pricing charged by NCQA Initial fee Survey Tool license -$80 Initial Application fee -$450-$2700 for 1-6 non-sponsored provider -$360-$2700 for 1-6 sponsored providers Add-on Survey Application fee to advance to next level -Ranges from $225-$1350 for 1-6 providers PCIP RATE- HALF OF THE RATE NOTED ABOVE- $225/PHYSICIAN – benefit of participating with PCIP 4 4

PCIP QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITIES – WHAT DO WE DO? Provide technical assistance to physicians to help them improve the health outcomes of patients, Focus on 4 priority TCNY areas (ABCS) Help providers get to meaningful use Provide CME/CNE credits for participating with QI Provide support for office redesign (e.g., workflows, documentation, standard processes) to improve office efficiency if desired, prepare for NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Provide additional coaching on preventive-health features & how to use them for QI Provide a forum for discussing performance feedback and sharing best practices for QI efforts Provide feedback to the teams at PCIP on what we observe during site visits (development, IS, Billing, EMR) 5 5

Standard 1- Access and Communication INTENT OF THE STANDARD Practice removes barriers to care by providing improved access for appointments and on-going patient communication Patients have a personal physician, coordinating care and diagnostics during one visit Obtain patient feedback about potential access and communication issues to reduce barriers to care Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Scheduling Methods to contact MD Identifying health insurance Patient feedback Written telephone triage process Written policy – helping patients identify insurance options Job descriptions for each staff member

PPC 1 – Access and Communication Practical Examples: Incorporate feedback from patients and staff into office process Develop policies, procedures, and job descriptions to ensure that staff understand responsibilities. Consider holding monthly staff meetings to discuss staff ideas and provide training Conduct a patient survey and incorporate feedback into the practice Post information in your office or website about how to obtain insurance for those patients who do not have coverage 7 7

Standard 2- Patient Tracking and Registry Function INTENT OF THE STANDARD Capturing and using data for population management and data driven decision making to improve outcomes for chronic conditions Proactively outreach to patients --identify needed treatment outside of the normal office visit Capture important information for continuity of care if patient sees another provider Promote consistency of patient care Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Registry Capturing patient data Charting tools/documentation Conduct a 36 chart review, MRR spreadsheet Chose three disease focus areas, prove they are clinically important for the practice Written description- how often the registry is used, examples of preventive outreach efforts

PPC 2 Patient Tracking and Registry Functions Practical Examples: Identify three chronic clinical conditions to focus on at your practice Run a billing report of top 10 billed ICD 9 codes Identify health conditions prevalent in your zip code through DOH report Run registry query to determine percentage of patients with condition at your practice Select chart sample (36 patients) for medical record review Use the registry to identify potential gaps in care for patients, i.e., overdue Hgb A1C, HTN patients without an office visit in 12 months Use letters function, telephone encounters, and emails to document outreach efforts 9 9

Standard 3 – Care Management INTENT OF THE STANDARD Patients receive coordinated care at the practice according to evidence - based guidelines Provide a physician directed, team based approach to managing and coordinating the patient care – non-physician staff are an important part of the care team Avoid patient safety errors or duplicative, unnecessary care through coordination with patient, family and external organizations (hospital, health plan, nursing home) Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Care management Clinical focus areas Team approach-non-physician staff PCIP Multi-site Job Descriptions Policy and Procedures Create Standing Orders MRR to assess use of care plans, review of medication list, self-monitoring etc

PPC 3 – Care Management Practical Examples: Maximize the features of system and delegate to non-physician team members Clear CDSS alerts Have each staff member practice to the fullest capacity of their license and use standing orders Create a program for patient self management Order FREE educational material from the DOH and distribute to patients Refer patients to local classes or programs (i.e.: Weight Watchers, HTN, Diabetes) Document all of the coordination work Create a policy and workflow on how to communicate with external agencies (documenting phone calls using t-encounters in the patient chart) Document referral follow-up Customize Preventive medicine section. The doctor can then easily document (1) Individualized treatment goals; (2) assess patient treatment goals; and (3) Assess barriers when patient have not met their goals Use flowsheets and incorporate self-monitoring results into flowsheet. 11 11

Standard 4 – Patient Self-Management INTENT OF THE STANDARD Engaged patients will participate in their care and take responsibility improving outcomes through self monitoring, community programs, and group classes Patients become part of the care team and collaborate with the practice by setting their own goals and being accountable Physicians consider hearing and vision barriers to learning and self management Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence 4A – PCIP multi-site 1 point NYCDOH free educational materials Hite site website link Document referral to community resources Smart forms Patient home monitoring Documentation of patient education Patient goal setting

PPC 4 – Patient Self-Management Practical Examples: Encourage patients to manage their chronic conditions Provide educational materials Provide patients with a printed visit summary Assess readiness to change Use smart forms to screen Assess barriers to achieving clinical and personal goals Create and use alerts at the front desk for assessing hearing and vision barriers Customize Preventive medicine section. This allows for easier documentation of goal assessments 13 13

Standard 5- Electronic Prescribing INTENT OF THE STANDARD Electronic prescribing reduces errors through using drug safety checks and eliminating transcription errors Recording medications in the EHR helps coordinate care among providers and in the event of an emergency Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Prescribing workflows Potential incentives and rewards for eRx Meaningful use Screen shots of the practice’s schedule (last 5 days) Screen shots of eRx’s (printing, faxing or automating success) Indicate what % of eRx’s the practice does on a daily or weekly basis

PPC 5 – Electronic Prescribing Practical Examples: Encourage coordination of pharmacy care and e-prescribing Routinely document patient’s preferred pharmacy and document in EHR Compare 5 days of practice schedule with reports of eRx to determine percentage of patients using service 15 15

Standard 6- Test Tracking INTENT OF THE STANDARD Timely follow up/tracking of lab tests will assist providers in medical decision making Patients and families can engage in care by understanding the test results and adhering to treatment plans that improve outcomes Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Developing Strong Workflows Using Lab interfaces Closing the loop and coordinating care Written process for lab workflow Screenshots of letters or telephone encounters that notify patients of lab results

**Remember to document all telephone calls! PPC 6- Test Tracking Practical Examples: Use a lab interface Develop a strong workflow Create written policy for test tracking and follow-up Track all tests and document all actions in the telephone encounter section Notify patients of lab results by either sending letters or calling the patient **Remember to document all telephone calls! 17 17

Standard 7-Referral Tracking INTENT OF THE STANDARD Coordination of complex care requires the systematic tracking of referrals and treatment plan from other providers Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Written description of the referral process Screen shots of completed referral and tracking process Referral workflows Delegating follow-up items to staff

PPC 7- Referral Tracking Practical Examples: Develop a strong workflow Create policies for tracking outgoing referral Use eCW to document all outgoing referrals Continuously track referrals until consult notes are received 19 19

Standard 8- Performance Reporting and Improvement INTENT OF THE STANDARD Practice uses all available data to improve all aspects of care and includes patient feedback into the process Data is shared within the practice to target improvement and with external agencies (I.e., health plans, PQRI, DOH) Practices utilize data-driven decision making Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Using the practice’s data to change health outcomes Patient surveys and score sheet Written process for survey distribution Written plan for performance assessment and improvement

PPC 8-Performance Reporting and Improvement Practical Examples: Develop a strong workflow and delegate items to non physician staff Determine which reports will be run, by whom, and how often Hold monthly staff meetings to discuss results, set goals, and take action Review quality measures monthly and identify areas that need improvement Periodically assess the practice’s performance by distributing patient surveys Use data from registry and patient feedback to drive discussions Report to CMS through PQRI Measures to satisfy external reporting requirements 21 21

Standard 9-Advanced Electronic Communication INTENT OF THE STANDARD Patients can communicate with providers in a variety of ways that is convenient and maximizes coordination of care - Website, email, patient portal - Communicate with disease/case mgmt - Patient web-based education Concepts Addressed Supporting Evidence Using website education as a tool Must be interactive Email communication management Written processes of electronic communication Screenshots of direct communication between patients and physicians must be secure communication- not regular email

PPC9- Advanced Electronic Communication Practical Examples: Create policies for electronic communication Implement the patient portal Educate patients about how/when to use the portal to communicate Develop an interactive website 23 23

PPC9- Advanced Electronic Communication

PPC9- Advanced Electronic Communication

GETTING STARTED AT YOUR PRACTICE – WHAT DO WE DO FIRST? Visit www.NCQA.org and download the standards Read the requirements and determine where you would like to make changes at your practice to optimize workflows and patient care Arrange a visit from QI / EMR / Billing teams to optimize workflows and documentation Organize a plan and timeline for making changes Delegate tasks to your staff Involve your entire team in the process Get feedback from staff and patients 1) Start by defining policies, procedures and job descriptions Use PCIP templates to create these documents 2) Administer a patient satisfaction survey 3) Hold your first staff meeting 26 26

PCMH Project Plan – PDCA CYCLE DCO-ON0056-20090404-njPP1 PCMH Project Plan – PDCA CYCLE PLAN: A QI Specialist performs an onsite assessment with the physician and other key staff members at the practice. Following the visit, the practice receives a project plan and timeline along with recommendations for workflow redesign and toolkit items to help achieve goals. DO: QI project plan begins; practice purchases NCQA online tool, defines policies and procedures, job descriptions, distributes /scores patient surveys, improves EHR documentation, identifies 3 clinically important conditions to focus PCMH efforts, practice considers advanced communication techniques ie: portal/website options CHECK: QI assesses workflow changes at practice and suggests additional changes as needed, practice analyzes data (including patient survey data and chart audit results) ACT: QI Specialist reviews all documentation and provides feedback---Practice submits application to NCQA 27 27