Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Arizona Nutrition Network Local Incentive Award Fiscal Year 2011 Application Training February 2010
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Local Incentive Award “LIA”
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Partnership Levels Contributing *** Supporting Community
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Benefits of the LIA Program Access to Free Materials Social Marketing Tools Costumes Training Networking Education Reinforcement Items Expenditure Reimbursement
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Benefits of the LIA Program
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Benefits of the LIA Program
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Target Audience SNAP participants and those eligible Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) participants Highest priority is given to SNAP eligible women and their children
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Audience Categories Certified Eligible Likely Eligible Potentially Eligible Persons that are at other venues primarily frequented by low-income audiences. At least 50% of the population being served must have gross incomes at or below 185% FPL. Persons currently participating in or applying for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). Persons that are eligible for SNAP but have not yet applied. These participants must have incomes at or below 130% FPL.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Goals 1.Healthy weight 2.Fruit and vegetable consumption 3.Low fat and fat free dairy consumption 4.Healthy food choices on a budget 5.Whole grain consumption 6.Physical activity levels in children 7.Physical activity levels in adults 8.Food borne illness 9.Breastfeeding 10.Folic acid intake
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona LIA Program Requirements Contract with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Monthly Financial and Program Reports AzNN Policies and Procedures Attend trainings/meetings
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona LIA Program Requirements Implement your approved nutrition education work plan Use AzNN and USDA materials and messages
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona FY11 LIA Application Nutrition Education Funding Opportunity Reimbursement program NOT a grant Increases nutrition education budget by 50% Federal Fiscal Year – October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011 Requires State/Local funds spent at the local level Funding is not capped **** Applications due March 26, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. ****
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Allowable/Unallowable Costs
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona ** Reminder ** Requirements are the same for both Local Share and Federal Share expenditures
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Disparaging Messages Network messages may not convey negative written, visual, or verbal expressions about any specific foods, beverages, or commodities.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Disparaging Messages Examples of what is OKAY to say: –Drink milk to help build strong bones –Eat lean cuts of red meets and poultry –Limit foods high in sugars and include adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables every day Examples of What NOT to say: –Drink milk and not soda –Red Meat has too much fat, eat chicken –Sweet treats are bad, eat more vegetables
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Materials Allowable Nutrition education brochures, posters, books New materials only when no other comparable materials available Unallowable Materials with brand names Coupons
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Equipment Allowable Office equipment Equipment cost- shared with other programs Kitchen appliances with justification Unallowable Medical Equipment (scales, glucometers, pedometers, blood pressure cuffs, etc.) Physical activity equipment for on- going PA programs
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Food Samples and Supplies Allowable Food for recipe development or taste testing Food demo supplies Sample size portions for food demos Unallowable Ongoing snack or food service Meal size portions or complete meal service Food costs as groceries or supplemental food
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Nutrition Education Allowable Classroom space Physical activity demo Breastfeeding education coordinated by WIC Unallowable Life skills training Medical Nutrition Therapy Weight loss classes/obesity treatment Health screenings
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Physical Activity Allowable Physical activity promotion with a nutrition message Brief exercise demos Materials to teach physical activity concepts (with nutrition education) Unallowable Exercise equipment Physical activity supplies for class participants Ongoing physical activity classes or equipment
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Reinforcement Items Allowable Calendars or magnets Measuring cups, spoons or other items of nominal value Nutrition education aids Note: All must have a nutrition message Unallowable Items that cost more than $4.00 Items that have no nutrition message Any item intended for persons not SNAP Eligible
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Gardening Allowable Educational supplies, curricula, and staff salaries designed to teach the beneficial nutritional aspects of gardening. Unallowable Rental or purchase of garden equipment Rental or purchase of land for gardens Costs associated with creating or maintaining a garden (i.e. seeds)
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Staff and Training Costs Allowable Staff training Volunteers in Public Agencies Presentations about SNAP to community care providers serving low-income people Unallowable Volunteers in a non- public agency Training for food service workers University courses
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Other Activities Allowable Reimbursement of personal costs (meals, childcare, etc.) for SNAP-Ed focus groups Participation on relevant state and local advisory panels Unallowable Lobbying Surveys of the general population Environmental or policy changes Personal costs (meals, childcare, transportation etc.) of SNAP-Ed participants
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Reasonable and Necessary Besides “allowable”, nutrition education funds must be spent only for modest, reasonable, and necessary activities. Example: A food demonstration utilizing broccoli is reasonable while a food demonstration utilizing lobster is not reasonable or necessary.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Unallowable Costs May have to be paid back by local agency, may not use federal funds to do so. Will not qualify as State/Local Share funds and will be not be approved.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Break Return in 15 minutes
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Letter of Qualification
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Letter of Qualification Watch for error messages Helps meet procurement standards Signed original must be submitted
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Program Information Sheet
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Program Information Sheet List one person per position All communications filter through the people listed
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Project Overview
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Goals Select from the 10 goals provided Goals must be selected prior to completing the work plan (blue vs. grey)
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Audience The narrative must include information for at least four (4) of the following: –Family composition –Education –Income –Geographic location –Incidence or prevalence of nutrition health risks –Nutrition related behavioral and lifestyle characteristics
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Audience Note: The audience narrative should reflect your target audience, not the state of Arizona.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Project Description The narrative must include all of the following: –Delivery method –Delivery settings –Frequency –Duration of project –Number of classes –Key messages
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Project Description Note: The project description narrative should reflect all activities for all aspects of your program (both local and federal).
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Summary of Research Existing research that supports the proposed educational approaches and target audience for your program –Should explain why you do what you do with whom you do it.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Key Performance Measures This must match your work plan (complete the work plan first) Explain what you will use to measure performance and how you will know you are successful
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Evaluation Plans This must match your work plan (complete the work plan first) Must have at least one (1) evaluation type
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Coordination of Efforts Explain how you will help their agency, not how they will help you. –Example: Providing food demonstrations in WIC offices
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Assurances Appendix A
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Assurances Statements All answers must be “yes” Helps meet USDA standards Signed original must be submitted
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Work Plan Appendix B
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona ** Recommendation ** Complete Work Plan (Appendix B) before completing the Key Performance Measures and Evaluation Plans sections of the Project Overview tab.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Writing Objectives
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Goals vs. Objectives A GOAL is: –A broad statement of intent –Non-specific, non-measurable –Example: Increase the proportion of SNAP recipients and eligibles aged two years and older who meet dietary recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Goals vs. Objectives An OBJECTIVE is: –A realistic target for the program –Answers: Who will do how much of what by when? –Example: By the end of the class series, 50% of low income 3 rd grade students participating in the Fruits & Veggies – More Matters ® classes will report an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona S.M.A.R.T. Objectives S.M.A.R.T. objectives are: –S pecific –M easurable –A chievable –R elevant –T ime Bound
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Objectives Apply to 3 Areas Process (Operational) Outcome (Knowledge) Outcome (Behaviors)
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Process Objectives Tells what you are doing and how you will do it –Tracks participants, interactions and activities –Example: By September 30, 2010 at least 5,000 Fun Food News will be distributed to SNAP-Ed participants at community events.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Outcome (Knowledge) Objectives Tells how you will change attitudes and knowledge –Example: By the end of the class series, 80% of low income 3 rd grade students participating in the BBB classes will increase their knowledge of activities that help build strong bones.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Outcome (Behavior) Objectives Tells what the long term implications of your program will be. –Example: By the end of the class series, 50% of low income 3 rd grade students participating in the Fruits & Veggies – More Matters classes will report an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona How to Write a SMART Objective Answer the following question: –Who will do –How much –Of What –By When? Example: –By the end of the class series, 50% of low income 3rd grade students participating in the FVMM classes will report an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Writing Action Steps
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Action Steps vs Objectives Action Step –Focus on the activities –Provide the ‘How’ –Should work towards the objective –Should provide how you will attain your objective –Be brief and succinct Objective –Focuses on the results –Provide the ‘What’
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Writing Evaluation Measures
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Evaluation Measures Process –Evaluates that the program is being delivered as planned Outcome –Measure change in knowledge, attitudes or behaviors Formative (Not in the work plan) –Collects data for improvement of program/processes
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Process Evaluation Process evaluation focuses on how the program operates, the services it delivers, and the function it carries out. It addresses whether the program was implemented and is providing services as intended.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Examples of Process Evaluation Tracking: –Number of materials distributed –Number of clients viewing a food demonstration –Number of classes held –Number of participants reached
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Outcome Evaluation An outcome or impact evaluation assesses the change in knowledge or behaviors as a result of a particular program or intervention. The goal of an outcome or impact evaluation is to learn how effective the intervention was in changing the target populations' attitudes, awareness, and behaviors.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Examples of Outcome Evaluation Outcome –Pre-/post-test showing an increase in knowledge –Pre-/post surveys showing an improvement in self-reported behaviors Point-in-time surveys, tracked over time
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Baselines Clearly defined starting point from where implementation begins, improvement is measured, or comparison is made The first data point for your evaluation –Allows you to create achievable objectives by providing a starting point. –Allows for tracking trends over time.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Evaluation Plans Should Tie Directly to The Objective Process objective=process evaluation –Example: Objective: Teach Fruits & Veggies – More Matters curriculum to 1,000 students in FY 2010 Evaluation: Track number of students participating via attendance records Outcome objective=outcome evaluation –Example: Objective: 3 rd graders increasing fruit and vegetable consumption Evaluation: Pre/Post-test measuring consumption –Example: Objective: 5 th graders increasing knowledge of osteoporosis prevention Evaluation: Pre/Post-test measuring knowledge
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Formative Evaluation Formative research is conducted before a program is designed and implemented, or while a program is being conducted. It helps you: –Decide on and describe your target audience –Understand the needs of the audience and the factors which influence their behavior –Helps you to design programs, services, and products to address those needs
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Examples of Formative Evaluation Needs assessments Focus group discussions In-depth interviews Market assessments Teacher evaluations Pilot programs where content of nutrition education is tested and evaluated, etc.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona ** Reminder ** Don’t forget to go back and fill in the Key Performance Measures and Evaluation Plans sections of the Project Overview tab.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Sites Appendix C
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Appendix C Target Audience Eligibility and Reach Monthly Reports Updating/Verifying Data
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Qualifying Sites Site vs. Audience –Third Party Verification –Asking Financial Information Not the same as asking about SNAP Participation
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Qualifying Site Sources
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Documentation Examples Census DataCACFP Data NSLP Data
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Documentation Examples Emergency Food Assistance Site and Public Housing Site Program Participation –includes CSFP, HEAD Start, SNAP, WIC, SSI, TANF, AHCCCS
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Certified & Likely Eligible Potentially Eligible * DIFFERENCE *
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Site Type Select From the Drop Down Menu Use “Other” Sparingly Type in “Others” Site is a Site
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Low Income Documentation School: NSLP Information will Pre-Fill (Potentially Eligible Only) –Use Non-Schools Section if October NSLP Report cannot be Used Non-School: Enter Documentation and Percentage **Other Examples**
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Reach Participants: Unduplicated Count Contacts: Duplicated Count Example: You plan to see seniors (25) at a public housing site and use a 4 lesson curriculum –25 Participants, 100 Contacts
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Indirect Costs Appendix D
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Appendix D Indirect Cost Allocation Plans –Definition Indirect Costs are costs for goods or services that benefit more than one program but are not easily attributed to a specific program. –Cognizant Agency Small Local Programs –Universities: Off Campus Rate Only –School Districts: Restricted Rate –Copy Must be Submitted
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Agreements Appendix E
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Appendix E Memorandum of Understanding/Agreements Copies must be submitted
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona MOU/MOA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - required by USDA for all agencies providing Local Share (1-3 years) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) – recommended working agreement with agencies where you provide SNAP-Ed. There is no perfect MOU or MOA that will work for everyone
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona MOU USDA requires the following statements be included within your MOU: None of the funds used in this MOU are federal funds or funds being used to match other federal funds. No portion of the proposed Local Share funds are being counted more than once, or for another LIA contact.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Evaluation Tools Appendix F
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Appendix F Evaluation Tools Outcome/Impact Evaluations Only Copies must be Submitted Evaluation Toolkit
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Budget
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Local Share Source & Amount Compares Source Amount vs. LS Budget vs. FS Budget LS Source Description Watch for Error Messages
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Local Share Sources County General Funds State Funds City Funds School District Funds Private Cash Donations Tribal Funds (638 Funds) Casino Revenue Funding to Indian Tribal Organizations containing “other federal laws notwithstanding” language
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Private Cash Donations No endorsements of donors or products No funds will revert back to the donor or benefit the donor Funds will be donated without restriction on use Funds are under the State’s administrative control
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Indian Tribal Organization Funding – Aid to Indian Tribal Governments – Tribal Self-Governance – Indian Self-Determination Contract Support (Indirect cost support) – Services to Indian Children, Elderly, and Families
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona – Indian Adult Education – Indian School Equalization Program (Primary and Secondary Education) – Administrative Cost Grants for Indian Schools – Indian Child Welfare Act, Title II Indian Tribal Organization Funding
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona – Payments in Lieu of Taxes, Section 6902 Only – Distribution of Receipts to State and Local Governments Indian Tribal Organization Funding
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Federal Share USDA SNAP funds reimbursed for additional expenses to increase and enhance nutrition education efforts for target population Your agency is eligible for Federal Share funds of up to 50% of your approved Local Share budget
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Agency Information Position Title & Number of Staff –May Group Summary of Duties – Only Include SNAP Activities
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Personnel Budget Justification FTE Auto Calculates –Full Time Employee (2080 Hours) –Management: Time spent on tasks related to the administration of the SNAP-Ed Program –Direct: Time spent preparing for and providing nutrition education to SNAP eligibles Hourly Wage vs. Annual Salary Don’t forget your R.D.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Budget Categories Personnel & Fringe –This will pre-fill from the Personnel Budget Justification sheet Contracts/Grants/Agreements –Examples: Consultants, Registered Dietitians, Health Educators, etc.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Budget Categories Non-Capital Equipment/Supplies –Examples: food and supplies for food demonstrations, office supplies, printing costs, postage, etc. Materials –Examples: curriculums, handouts, posters, educational reinforcement items, etc. –Note: Materials Section must also be in the budget
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Budget Categories Travel (In-State & Out of State) –Examples: mileage to and from training sites and meetings, meals and lodging, etc. –Note: If your agency does not have a travel policy, you must follow the state rates Building Space –Follow the applicable OMB Circular
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Budget Categories Maintenance (Utilities & Facilities) –Examples: telephones, electricity, gas, cleaning services, etc. –Note: These items may not be budgeted separately if part of an Indirect Cost plan
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Budget Categories Equipment & Other Capital –Unit cost over $5,000 and life expectancy > 1 year Indirect Cost Allocation Plans
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Providing Detail Type of Services/Goods –General description of budgeted items Description –Show detailed calculation
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Prorating Prorating is a Proportionate Distribution of a Cost All budgeted items not 100% SNAP-Ed must be prorated
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Prorating Examples Example 1: A $200 curriculum is being purchased but only 75% meets SNAP-Ed guidelines Only $150 should be budgeted Example 2: A part-time employee (0.50 FTE) needs a new computer that will cost $1,000. This employee works 75% for this program $750 should be budgeted
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Insurance Required Verbiage: –The State of Arizona, its departments, agencies, boards, commissions, universities and its officers, officials, agents, and employees wherever additional insured status is required such additional insured shall be covered to the full limits of liability purchased by the Contractor, even if those limits of liability are in excess of those required by this Contract.
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Insurance Refer to section 39 (Insurance Requirements) in the terms and conditions of your contract Work with your internal financial or procurement staff
Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity Leadership for a Healthy Arizona Wrap Up Complete Your Evaluation Due: March 5:00 pm Submit to: Dana Goodloe –150 N 18 th Ave, Suite 310, Phoenix, AZ Please refrain from copying and pasting