October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin The HERMES Polarized H&D Gas Target: 10 Years of Operation Erhard Steffens University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and HERMES Collaboration (DESY-Hamburg) Introduction and history Polarized gas targets in a high energy storage ring Overview of HERMES H&D target Summary of runs 1996 to 2005 (H ║, D ║ H ┴ ) Conclusions
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin The Clue to High Density: Storage Cells Polarized atoms from source Target areal density given by t = L o with o = I t / C tot and C tot = S C i Note: Conductance of tube proportional to d 3 /L Ballistic flow from Atomic Beam Source (H, D) Flow driven by pressure gradient Laser Driven Sources (H, D, 3 He) Storage Cell proposed by W. Haeberli Proc. Karlsruhe 1965, p. 64 Proc. Workshop IUCF 1984, AIP Conf. Proc.#128, p.251 Density gain compared to Jet of same intensity can be up to several hundred! T-shaped storage cell
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin st Test of a Storage Cell in a 2 GeV Electron Storage Ring: VEPP-3 at BINP Storage cell surface is coated to inhibit recombination and depolarization Coatings like Teflon or Drifilm are sensitive to Synchrotron Radiation (= hard X-rays) First test of storage cell (uncooled, Drifilm coating) performed by BINP-ANL collaboration in 1988: R.A. Gilman et al, PRL 65 (1990) 1733 Results show that the coating is stable on the time scale of ½ year! Aymmetry for electro-disintegration of the deuteron as function of running time for a polarized deuterium storage cell target in the VEPP-3 storage ring at BINP Found later: In the cooled HERMES storage cell (T = 100 K) a water surface is formed with superior quality
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Expectations Paris 1990 Talk on: ‚Experiments with Dense Polarized Internal Targets‘ I
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Expectations Paris 1990 II
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Past History: FILTEX Goal: spin filtering of antiprotons (proposal 1985) Tool: dense polarized H target in p_bar storage ring LEAR (CERN) Test experiment with protons in the Heidelberg test storage ring TSR 1992
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Past History: FILTEX
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Past History: FILTEX View into the FILTEX target chamber - rear: last 6-pole (SmCo) - center: T-shaped storage cell - right: cryopump with hole for beam /cm 2 demon- strated! High polari- zation in weak field! W. Korsch, F. Rathmann, K. Zapfe, P. Schiemenz †
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin The HERMES Experiment HERMES experiment proposed for the HERA 30 GeV polarized electron ring - Letter of Intent Proposal Technical Design Report First Operation in April 1995 (with pol. 3 He target) Physics: see talk by E. Aschenauer (Wedn.) Requirements on the target: - Areal density t = /cm 2 in two substatesOK - Sampling polarimeter with P/P = 3% ? - Coating stable wrt synchrotron radiation(OK?) - Suppression of Wake Fields in the targetSimulations OK - Suppression of beam-induced (rf) depolarization „ „ „ Several open questions left...
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin HERMES Target- Overview Target chamber
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin HERMES Target 1996 H-Target installed in early 1996 Erlangen Liverpool Madison Marburg Munich Yerevan F. Stock B. Braun G. Graw G. Court T. Wise et al
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Atomic Beam Source (ABS) Collimated cold atomic beams produced by disso- ciator with cold nozzle (100K) and differential pumping system ( S i ~10 4 l/s) Spin-dependent focussing of H and D atomic beams by 6-pole magnets: m J = +1/2 Nuclear polarization P z, P zz produced by means of rf transitions with ~100% effi- cieny; rapid switching enabled B c = 50.7 mT Heidelberg-Marburg-Munich-Madison
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Design of Target Chamber H&D e±e± Collimator C2 SC Coils Wake Field Suppr. G. Court – Liverpool T. Wise – Madison Target Cell 400mm
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Storage Cell Design Cell optimized for operation in an electron storage ring Conducting surface with smooth variation of cross section excitation of wake fields! System of W collimators for protection against beam and SR Cooled via cooling rails by cold He gas to K 75 m Al walls with Drifilm coating - Radiation damage visible! But: Very effective wall coating due to ice layer maintained by small fraction of water in the atomic beam ! Liverpool-Madison-Ferrara
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Diagnostics Target gas analyzer (TGA) - measures degree of dissociation to 1% in few minutes - molecules (with polarization fraction ) dilute nuclear polarization - enters the final values of target polarization Sketch of the TGA: B. Braun, Ch. Baumgarten, P. Lenisa, et al
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Diagnostics Target gas analyzer (TGA) - measures degree of dissociation to 1% in few minutes - molecules (with polarization fraction ) dilute nuclear polarization - enters the final values of target polarization Temperature scan on new cell (hydrogen 1997)
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Diagnostics Target gas analyzer (TGA) - measures degree of dissociation to 1% in few minutes Temperature scan on used cell (deuterium 2000) after formation of water layer no T-dependence visible no recombination in the cell!
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Diagnostics Target gas analyzer (TGA) At T = 100 K: stable water layer, suppresses recombination ( ≈ 1) At T = 260 K: water layer partly removed!
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Diagnostics Sampling polarimeter (BRP) - measures substate population n i of sample beam to n/n = 1% in few minutes - BRP polarizations P e (electrons) and P z, P zz (nuclei) calculated - Sampling corrections applied to calculate P Target seen by the beam! Sample Beam Detector Schematic view of Sampling Polarimeter Erlangen-Heidelberg- Munich-Ferrara-Yerevan D. Braun, Ch. Baumgarten, G. Graw, D. Reggiani, P. Lenisa et al
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Diagnostics Sampling polarimeter (BRP) - measures substate population n i of sample beam to n/n = 1% in few minutes Sample Beam Detector Hydrogen hfs- population as function of holding field B. Braun Thesis, Munich 1995
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Diagnostics Sampling polarimeter (BRP) - measures substate population n i of sample beam to n/n = 1% in few minutes - BRP polarizations P e (electrons) and P z, P zz (nuclei) calculated BRP polarization for the deuterium run 2000 top: vector pol. P z bottom: tensor pol. P zz
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Beam-induced Depolarization HERA-e: Bunch frequency Bunch = 10.4 MHz Bunch length t = 38 ps Harmonics n = n· B up to very high harmonics! (n max ≈ 10 3 corr. to 10 GHz) Resonance condition: E(B n ) = h· n → resonant guide fields B n exist! h· n BnBn
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Beam-induced Depolarization 24 - blue: resonances ( m F = ± 1) -red: resonances ( m F = 0) narrow-spaced! Transverse target only 34
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Beam-induced Depolarization HERA-e: Bunch frequency Bunch = 10.4 MHz Bunch length t = 38 ps Harmonics n = n· B up to very high harmonics! (n max ≈ 10 3 corr. to 10 GHz) Resonance condition: E(B n ) = h· n → resonant guide field B n exists! B-scan of -resonances 3-4 1-2 BRP used to detect the resonances induced by harmonics of the bunch field! Shown: the widely spaced resonances Ferrara-Erlangen-Peking
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Beam-induced Depolarization HERA-e: Bunch frequency Bunch = 10.4 MHz Bunch length t = 38 ps Harmonics n = n· B up to very high harmonics! (n max ≈ 10 3 corr. to 10 GHz) B-scan of -resonances BRP used to detect the resonances induced by harmonics of the bunch field! Shown: the narrow resonances No beam Correction coil For optimum setting of correction current: Small change of BRP detector current by the bunch field → Beam-induced depolarization is low! Ferrara-Erlangen-Peking
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Target Performance Target/yearH ║ (1997)D ║ (2000)H ┴ (2003) r P SE 0.035≤ P WD 0.02≤ P BI absent PTPT 0.851± ± ±0.033 t (10 14 nucl./cm 2 ) FOM (P T 2 ·t) recombination spin exchange wall depol. beam induced calculated target polarization → target areal density → Figure Of Merrit
October 3, 2006E. Steffens – Spin Conclusions Polarized H&D target successfully operated over 10 years in a HE electron storage ring more or less continuesly Several problems solved during commissioning phase(s) thanks to many enthousiastic collaborators – impossible to name them all! Nature was kind to us (no show-stopper) Technology ready to be used for other projects!