American presidents and their pets Авторы: ученики 5 класса МОУ Верхнезейская СОШ
We all love pets: someone is fond of dogs, someone likes cats, someone is keen on small fishes. From immemorial time people test attachment to this or that kind of pets, to various breeds. Pets are not only hobby for us, they are close beings equated to members of a family. And what animals are preferred by the mighty of this world, are made their members of the families, spends the fabulous sums of money for the favourites? Let's talk about pets of American presidents. After all we always concern with special interest and sympathy to the pets of heads of the states. It is necessary to notice, that from 44 inhabitants of the White house, 37 from them were happy owners of four-footed friends. Basically the American presidents tested attachment to dogs. It is not surprising, long since governors of the different countries preferred this animals as they are considered as the most true and betrayed. But were among governors of the USA and fans rare and even exclusive kinds of animals. If you want to have the friend in Washington, get a dog to yourself". Harry S. Truman
There were 43 presidents in the USA. 37 of them had different pets. They were not only dogs and cats. Some presidents owned very unusual animals.
Typical petsOther petsUnusual pets
How many pets do they have? PresidentNumber of his pets George Washington Roosevelt, Theodore Kalvin Kulidj Herbert Clark Hoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt John Fitzgerald Kennedy Some dogs, a horse, a parrot 5 dogs and 17 different animals 12 dogs 9 dogs 7 dogs Canary bird, cats, dogs, rabbits, ponies, sheep, horses, pigs, cows
Do you know that... The dog of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Falo, was a Hollywood star. She was a heroine of the film about an usual dog's day in the White house. She also has got a honourable rank of the USA «su.». Falo had her own press- secretary. People said Falo helped Roosevelt to win elections. She is buried next to the President and people set a monument for her. Fluffy and Macarony the dogs of John Fitzgerald Kennedy,could not only move freely in any halls of the White House, but they received thousands of letters from ordinary Americans.
Interesting to know, that th U.S. President Richard Nixon (Richard Nixon) dog named Checkers rescued from the charge of receiving money for his campaign in 1952, when he was a candidate for vice president. Millie, the dog of George Bush-sr became a "co- author of" rife with photos of the bestseller "The Book of Millie, " which with the help of Barbara Bush, has become "a translator with the canine language, life in the White House is described through the eyes of the English spaniel. The book won first place in the bestseller list and brought the author 900 thousand dollars.
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