MONDAY – AUGUST 3, 2015 Students will… Tonight’s Homework Review homework expectations. Review question types and distractors. Review partial multi-flow map strategy. Practice mapping Of Mice and Men MC questions. Add and define new vocabulary words as needed. Tonight’s Homework Read and annotate for 30 minutes, adding new vocabulary words to this week’s vocab log as needed. Write two grammar sentences using words from this week’s vocabulary log.
HOMEWORK OVERVIEW: 3 PILLARS Meaningful activities – NOT busywork! Annotations Vocabulary Grammar Writing Consistency & repetition Partial completion every night versus one assignment per night Diligence
HOMEWORK OVERVIEW: SCHEDULE MONDAY: Annotations (15-30 min.), 2 vocab words (8 tonight), 2 grammar sentences (8 tonight), finish WP assignment TUESDAY: Annotations (15-30 min.), finish vocab log & bring Thursday, finish grammar sentences, WP reflection & post WEDNESDAY: Annotations (15-30 min.), 2 vocab words (new log), grammar reflection & post. THURSDAY: Finish annotations & bring tomorrow, 2 vocab words, 2 grammar sentences, start WP assignment FRIDAY: Annotations (15-30 min.), 2 grammar sentences, work on WP assignment
TYPES OF QUESTIONS One person in each group take a picture. What text says Tone Summary Text structure Theme development Non-US point of view Character Development Two different mediums. Meanings of words Themes/topics/ideas from other pieces. One person in each group take a picture.
TYPES OF DISTRACTORS One person in each group take a picture. Too specific Goes beyond scope Too general True but doesn’t focus on the specific question Violates tone Absolute/overstatement Partially correct Only echoes language Irrelevant Clearly wrong Opposite Feature not mentioned One person in each group take a picture.
PARTIAL MULTI-FLOW MAP QUESTION TYPE: It’s not A because… <add distractor type & explain here> It’s E because… It’s not B because… <add distractor type & explain here> Everyone copy – not perfectly! It’s not C because… <add distractor type & explain here> It’s not D because… <add distractor type & explain here> In order to do better on this type of question, I need to
STEP 1: READ THE QUESTION Chapter 1 begins with a peaceful scene at the river until the two men come into it and disrupt the serenity. Then, after some introduction to the characters and plot, things get peaceful again at the end when George and Lennie fall asleep by their dying campfire. How might you categorize this structure?
STEP 2: IDENTIFY THE QUESTION TYPE What text says Tone Summary Text structure Theme development Non-US point of view Character Development Two different mediums. Meanings of words Themes/topics/ideas from other pieces.
STEP 3: READ THE ANSWER CHOICES Steinbeck is using a cause-effect pattern of development. Steinbeck is using a comparison/contrast pattern of development. Steinbeck is using a circular pattern of development. Steinbeck is using a narrative pattern of development. Steinbeck is using an expository pattern of development.
STEP 4: IDENTIFY & JUSTIFY CORRECT ANSWER & DISTRACTORS Steinbeck is using a cause-effect pattern of development. DISTRACTOR OR CORRECT? WHY? It’s not A because it doesn’t focus on the specific question about the beginning and ending. There is cause-effect development within the chapter, but not in terms of the beginning and ending.
STEP 5: SELF REFLECT In order to do better on this type of question, I need to… Things to consider: Did you read and understand the story? What is “this type”? Is there any phrasing in the question you don’t understand? If so, why: new vocabulary, didn’t pay attention to detail, forgot story? Are there any terms or other vocabulary in the answer choices you don’t recognize?
YOUR TURN! Steinbeck is using a cause-effect pattern of development. Steinbeck is using a comparison/contrast pattern of development. DISTRACTOR OR CORRECT? WHY? Steinbeck is using a circular pattern of development. Steinbeck is using a narrative pattern of development. Steinbeck is using an expository pattern of development.
STEP 4: IDENTIFY & JUSTIFY CORRECT ANSWER & DISTRACTORS Steinbeck is using a comparison/contrast pattern of development. DISTRACTOR It’s not B because it doesn’t focus on the specific question about the beginning and ending. There is comparison/contrast within the chapter, but not in terms of the beginning and ending.
STEP 4: IDENTIFY & JUSTIFY CORRECT ANSWER & DISTRACTORS Steinbeck is using a circular pattern of development. CORRECT It is C because, even if there is evidence of some of the other techniques within the chapter, the fact that the chapter ends in the way it begins, with the peace and quiet of the natural setting, means the structure of the beginning and ending most strongly fits a circular pattern.
STEP 4: IDENTIFY & JUSTIFY CORRECT ANSWER & DISTRACTORS Steinbeck is using a narrative pattern of development. DISTRACTOR It’s not D because it is somewhat general as compared to Answer C (circular pattern). The beginning and ending is narrative, but so is the rest of the chapter. The circular pattern is more specific to the beginning and ending structure.
STEP 4: IDENTIFY & JUSTIFY CORRECT ANSWER & DISTRACTORS Steinbeck is using an expository pattern of development. DISTRACTOR It’s not E because E is clearly wrong. While information is provided, this is not an informational text. It is a novel, which means it is a narrative/story.