The tongue twister If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard, Will a black chalk chalks on a white blackboard? i - [ai] ck – [k] ch – [t∫] a+согл. – [æ] a+l+согл. – [о:]
Answer the questions: 1) What mass media do you know? 2) Which is the most popular of them? Why? 3) What newspapers and magazines do you know? Which of them do you read?
4) Do you watch TV? 5) What do you usually watch on TV? 6) Do you often listen to the radio? Where do you usually do it? 7) What do you often look for in the Internet?
Exercise 10, page 64
CHECK YOUR VOCABULARY - film - comedy - serial - talk show - sports programme - documentary - news - broadcast - quitz show - pop-music concert - cartoons - ballet - tabloid - radio - фильм - комедия - сериал - ток шоу - спортивная программа - документальный фильм - новости - передача - викторина - концерт поп музыки - мультфильмы - балет - таблоид (малоформатная газета со сжатым текстом) - радио
Complete the sentences with the words My father always watches current … on TV. In Moscow TV programs are … from Ostankino. I can hear a lot of good music and interesting information on the … . … are smaller in size, have more pictures and shorter articles, often about the private lives of well-known people. Whenever and wherever something important happens, … are reporting on the events. … provides us with access to any library in the world National serious … like The Times generally give information about events happening in London. … broadcasting programs for people to watch on their television sets. “Who wants to be a millionaire?” is a typical TV … . I have always wanted to watch Walt Disney … . news broadcast radio Tabloids journalists Internet newspapers Television quitz cartoons
Exercise 6, page 63