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Spielvogel, J. (2005). Glencoe world history. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Companies. Mr. Walsh’s World Cultures Review Sheet for Chapter 12 All images were searched using Microsoft ClipArt To Jeopardy Game Board!
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Renaissance Literature (200) Which author wrote “The Prince”? Dante Chaucer Machiavelli Donatello
Renaissance Literature (400) Which author wrote “Canterbury Tales”? De Pizan Raphael Dante Chaucer
Renaissance Literature (600) Which author wrote “Divine Comedy”? Dante Di Pizan John Calvin Leonardo da Vinci
Renaissance Literature (800) Which author wrote “The Book of the City of Ladies”? Chaucer Raphael Di Pizan John Calvin
Renaissance Literature (1000) Which author wrote “Institutes of the Christian Religion”? Donatello Dante John Calvin Chaucer
Renaissance Society (200) Which of the following social classes made up 3% of Renaissance society? Nobility Peasants Townspeople Workers
Renaissance Society (400) Which of the following social classes needed to follow “The Book of Courtier”? Peasants Townspeople Nobility Burghers
Renaissance Society (600) Which of the following social classes made 90% of Renaissance society? Patricians Townspeople Peasants Workers
Renaissance Society (800) What is the language spoken in a certain area? Humanism Vernacular Secular Predestination
Renaissance Society (1000) What is intellectual movement based on humanities? Vernacular Philosophy Secular Humanism
Renaissance Art (200) Which artist created the “Mona Lisa”? Chaucer Leonardo da Vinci Raphael Donatello
Renaissance Art (400) Liberal Art Mural Sculpture Fresco A _________ consists of fresh wet plaster with water color.
Renaissance Art (600) Which artist created the “School of Athens”? Donatello Erasmus Michelangelo Raphael
Renaissance Art (800) Which artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Michelangelo Donatello Erasmus Leonardo da Vinci
Renaissance Art (1000) Which artist was famous for St. George sculptures? Erasmus Donatello Leonardo da Vinci Raphael
Renaissance Religion (200) Which person strongly believed in the idea of justification? John Calvin Erasmus Martin Luther Bloody Mary
Renaissance Religion (400) The Protestant Reformation divided the western church into present day Catholic and… Jesuits Protestant Lutheranism Calvinism
Renaissance Religion (600) What is the name of the idea that people are saved by faith, not practice? Justification Reformation Predestination Humanism
Renaissance Religion (800) Who founded the society of Jesuits? King Henry Ignatius of Loyola Pope Leo John Calvin
Renaissance Religion (1000) Who wrote “95 Theses” which were attacks against the church? King Henry Vlll Ignatius of Loyola John Calvin Martin Luther
Renaissance Cities (200) Venice is located in… Southern Italy Eastern Italy Northern Italy Eastern France
Renaissance Cities (400) Florence is located in.. Western Italy Northern Spain Western Spain Northern Italy
Renaissance Cities (600) Milan is located in… Northern Italy Northern Spain Western France Southern Italy
Renaissance Cities (800) The city of Florence was ruled by the _____ family. DeMedici Sforza Visconti Da Vinci
Renaissance Cities (1000) The elected leader of Venice is called the _____. Pope Doge Minister President