Welcome to 6 th Grade Physical Science Mrs. Totten
Have a seat at any QUAD Get out your Agenda if you have it! If not, get out a piece of paper. Have a Pencil ready Have your Science Folder Out Welcome : Day 2
You Come In, You Sit Down Sharpen Pencil BEFORE bell rings Agenda Open & Ready Homework Folder Out & Ready WHEN BELL RINGS, IMMEDIATE QUIET & WRITE AGENDA! Entering Class
The Bell does NOT dismiss you, I DO Homework goes in Folder, not stuffed in book. Check your area for belongings PUSH IN YOUR CHAIR, EXITING Class
T: Intro HW: Supplies AGENDA
IN THE FRONT OF AGENDA WRITE: stotten.weebly.com stotten.weebly.com Homework Assignment handouts, video clips, helpful links CLASS WEBSITE
IN THE FRONT OF AGENDA WRITE: Username: blue6sci Password: science6 Info is on my website also. Online Textbook
Tour the Room Pencil Sharpener & rules Kleenex Passes Vomiting Agenda Passes Bathroom Drinks Forgot something in locker ODDS & ENDS:
Science Supplies! Green folder, Chromebook charged!, EARBUDS Green spiral notebook, agenda, pencil & pen, colored pencils Supplies
DO WHAT IS ASKED the FIRST time. TREAT SELF AND OTHERS with RESPECT: No Put Downs in words, gestures, or deeds! RAISE HAND and Wait to be Called ON Come to class PREPARED to learn ChromeBook & Supplies On Time Good Attitude Be HONEST! MRS. T’S Rules & Expectations
1 st time – Verbal Warning 2 nd time- Time Out/detention (Depends on Offense) 3 rd DETENTION - Parent Contact 4 th Office Referral Mrs. T’s Consequences:
Due the next day. COMPLETED! Not Partially done. Absent – number of days absent +1 extra day 3 Bad Day Passes per Quarter First Quarter, you may turn in late up to 1 week, completed, with bad day pass stapled to front of assignment. NO POINT PENALTY After 1 week, late assignments will be accepted, but you will lose 10% of points for each day late. NOTHING SINKS A SHIP FASTER, THAN ZEROES! HOMEWORK & BAD DAY PASSES
CHECK YOUR GRADES OFTEN! If you have a missing assignment, LOOK FOR IT IN YOUR FOLDER/BINDER FIRST. With the cut back in paper, I will not be running extra copies. You lose it, you hand write the assignment. Be Responsible, Be Organized, Take Charge of Your Learning! SKYWARD
Bring Your Textbook to class EVERY DAY! When Chromebooks come out, I may recollect them. Take Care of Your Book! You Damage It! You Pay! You lose, you replace - $65.00 Textbook Handout
Name, Date, Period Number in Right hand Corner of Paper: Mrs. Totten 8/14/15 Period 2 Open your Agenda & WRITE on 8/14 next to Science: T: Textbook HW: Get To Know Book WS With a partner, complete the scavenger hunt. REMEMBER: IF IT ISN’T DONE, IT IS HOMEWORK! Textbook Scavenger Hunt