The Spread of Industrialization and Industrial Prosperity The (Second) Industrial Revolution
* Up to this point, in the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION we have discussed: 1.) The ORIGINS and CAUSES… 2.) URBANIZATION and the CONSEQUENCES it had on cities… 3.) NEW INVENTIONS and INNOVATIONS that drove the Revolution… 4.) FACTORIES, FACTORY LIFE and CHILD LABOR… 5.) SOCIAL IMPACT of the Revolution… QUICK UNIT RECAP!!!
* The SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION was a phase of the Industrial Revolution during the second half of the 19 th century until World War I. It is considered to have begun around the time of the introduction of BESSEMER STEEL in the 1860s and culminated in early FACTORY ELECTRIFICATION, MASS PRODUCTION and the ASSEMBLY LINE! The BIG PICTURE * The Second Industrial Revolution saw RAPID INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT in Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan and the United States. * It followed the First Industrial Revolution in the sense that it began in Great Britain in the late 18 th century then spread throughout Western Europe and North America. * While the First Industrial Revolution was centered on iron, steam and textile production, the Second Industrial Revolution revolved around STEEL, RAILROADS, ELECTRICITY and CHEMICALS.
Geography Skills
1.) Locate the areas that have the heaviest concentrations of industry. “What geographic factors could have helped these areas become heavily industrialized?” 2.) Use the information provided in this map to “create a chart that shows the type of industry in each European country.” * …the presence of rivers and large bodies of water; * …easy access to natural resources. INDUSTRY Steel, chemicals Steel, chemicals, electricity Steel, chemicals Steel, chemicals, electricity Steel, chemicals, electricity, petroleum Steel, chemicals COUNTRY Spain France United Kingdom German Empire Austro-Hungarian Empire Italy Russian Empire
New Products: Reading Check 1.) “What new types of industry developed in Europe by the time of the Second Industrial Revolution? Why did these changes happen?” * …steel, petroleum, electricity, chemicals; * …new inventions, innovations and discoveries led to the replacement of older industries and energy sources.
Science, Tech. & Society: Critical Thinking Skills 1.) “How did the automobile accelerate change in the business world?” 2.) “What are the major BENEFITS and COSTS of automotive technology?” (THINK: “What other effects did the automobile have on society?”) * …it opened new financial markets, made existing financial markets bigger! – businesses are no longer held in check by geography! * …people can live/work where they want; opened new markets for business; goods/people can travel farther and faster; people became independent of mass transit schedules (BENEFITS) * …air pollution; traffic congestion; noise; fossil fuel depletion (COSTS)
New Patterns: Reading Check 1.) “What economic factors fostered rapid change and new patterns in society at the end of the 19 th century?” * … reduced transportation costs, lowered production costs, lowered prices of goods, more efficient production and increased wages for workers.
Toward a World Economy: Reading Check 1.) “Why did Europe dominate the world economy by the beginning of the 20 th century? * …Europeans invested abroad to develop railways, mines, power plants and banks, while foreign countries provided materials and markets for manufactured goods from Europe!