Sustainability & Entrepreneurial Education for a Global Workforce NorthWest Arkansas Community College Dr. Becky Paneitz Dr. Susan Holmes Dr. Donna Wood
Serving the Workforce of NW Arkansas Regional population of 385,000 13% Hispanic population Fortune 500 companies (Wal-Mart, J.B. Hunt, & Tyson Foods) 16,000+ served in % of all students stay in region Fall 2008 Semester: 18 th consecutive record fall enrollment 7,298 credit students; 63,331 SSCH 1,000+ workforce development 1,100 adult/community education
Serving a Global Workforce Critical Regional Industries* Manufacturing Government Retail trade Health care & social assistance Transportation & warehousing Construction Management & professional/technical services *Source: Gap Analysis Regional Overview (in partnership with ADHE & AATYC)
Serving a Global Workforce Top Community Needs Training for veterans, women, minorities Support for small business Education & industry partnerships “Hands on” learning opportunities Collaborative engagement “Green” leadership Entrepreneurial education Training & support for critical regional industries And the journey begins…
Timeline Fall 2006 Brought together regional stakeholders Presented idea for “Entrepreneurial Center” Feedback: broaden our vision/scope February 2007 $4M challenge grant proposal developed and presented to Walton Family Foundation
Timeline April 2007 $4M challenge grant awarded May 2007 $1.8M matching gift from Jack Shewmaker Fall 2007 Updated NWACC’s Master Plan Conducted stakeholder surveys & focus groups Stakeholder feedback used to develop preliminary program plan
Toward a Global Business Development Center Used competitive process to select WD&D as project architect (also designed Shewmaker Center for Workforce Development in November 2006) Formed a “Users Group” of internal stakeholders to meet with architect to design the building Planning process evolved as a result of stakeholder feedback, industry partnerships, & donor support Talks with Stribling Packaging and Wal-Mart resulted in addition of sustainability curriculum to GBDC
NWACC leased ground to NWACC Foundation Foundation secured commercial loan with Arvest Bank RFQ issued to potential contractors in Summer 2008; Flintco selected September 2008 Completed design is a 40,000 sq. ft. $8M project The Global Business Development Center will be a regional hub for entrepreneurial activities Four GBDC institutes will serve & strengthen northwest Arkansas regional community Toward a Global Business Development Center
Preliminary Program Planning Entrepreneurial Studies Institute Retail Institute Transportation and Logistics Institute Stribling Sustainability Institute John & Emily Douglas Learning Resource Center Horace & Jeretta Hardwick Hospitality Center Randy & Valorie Lawson SIFE Center University Partnership Center
Serving a Global Workforce Our vision for the GBDC Strengthen national initiatives to develop entrepreneurs Create more sustainable business and industries Strengthen the nation’s ability to compete in a global economy The Global Business Development Center Opens January 2010