16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June , Business Partner for SimWeb Project SUMMARY I.History II.Site structure III.Our clients IV.Content revenue structure V.Available Products VI.Within SIMWEB project -Vision -Inputs -Outputs ONLINE NEWS MARKET
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June Launched in 1995 Leading online newspaper in Portugal 28% of estimated market share (users) 3 rd in Brand Awareness (total ranking for Internet) 20 million pageviews/month in 2003 More than unique visitors/month Publico.pt consumer: - 70% male, 30% female - 54% high/middle class - 46% high educational level - 21% students - 40% years old - 22% yo - Lisbon 41% and Oporto 15% I. HISTORY
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June Publico Offline Daily Edition Suplements Breaking News Leisure and City Guide Recruitment Classifieds “Publico at School” Cinema Sports II. SITE STRUCTURE
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June III. OUR CLIENTS B2B B2CMARKET PRODUCTS FORMATS - Breaking news - Leisure and City Guide - Cinema - Stock Market - Music, Dossiers, Sports, Weather, Lotery, … - XML for WEB/MMS/SMS/WAP - HTML - Plain Text - mail - PDF - HTML - Plain Text - mail - (offline) Daily newspaper edition - Newsletters (breaking news, flash, dossiers, leisure, cinema, sports) - Internacional access - Alerts news - Search for articles PRICE Direct negotiation since the product is totally “taylor made”; client may choose almost everything but the content! Subscription PREMIUM PAID CONTENT
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June IV. CONTENT REVENUE STRUCTURE
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June Politics - Society - Culture - Economy - Technology - Science - Sports - International - Recruitment - Real Estate Classifieds - Local... Daily production of about 150 news, 7/7 days, between 7am and 1am. Breaking News V. AVAILABLE PRODUCTS
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June Cinema - Theatre - Dance - Concerts - BD - Bars and Discos - Restaurants - Sports - Book shops - Monuments - Tourism - TV - News - Comments.... Daily production, 5/7 days, between 11am and 19pm Database with more tahn places. Leisure and City Guide V. AVAILABLE PRODUCTS
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June Daily production, 7/7 days Other Contents - Music - Dossiers - Stock market - Horoscop - Weather - Useful Contacts - Useful informations - Sports fixtures/results - Lotery and games - Daily Press review - Printed edition Suplements... V. AVAILABLE PRODUCTS
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June Daily newspaper edition (PDF version) - Newsletters (breaking news, flash, dossiers, leisure and cinema) - Internacional access - Alerts news - Search for articles Subscriptions V. AVAILABLE PRODUCTS
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June V. AVAILABLE PRODUCTS – a very special case! SINCE: Público is one of the main (offline) daily newspapers in Portugal, with high prestige and editorial credibility, Público publishes weekly several cultural supplements (cinema, theatre, music, shows, expos, books, …), AND: Publico.PT is the site of the newspaper Público in the Internet, with 3 main contents: the daily printed version of Publico, Breaking News and Leisure/City Guide. Publico.PT has a specific team just for Leisure/City Guide, since 1995, collecting and compiling all info about culture (huge DB) Leisure/City Guide is one of the most wanted channels of Publico.PT (and represents 16% of content sales) The info inside our channel Leisure/City Guide is not available offline (although major cities in Europe have one)… Publico.PT made the spin-off of Leisure/City Guide!
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June We believe the project will help us strengthen leadership as the online news portal and content provider in Portugal. VI. WITHIN SIMWEB PROJECT - OUR VISION
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June VI. WITHIN SIMWEB PROJECT Knowledge of media sector, Specific contributions to an extensive sector survey - historical performance of Publico.pt and other players - specific interests of the consumer and most wanted products - successes and failures, business models… Experience as multiplatform online news content provider Existing sinergies with newspaper Público (offline) – a necessary approach Mother company (Sonae.com Group) includes, beyond Publico.pt, a fixed line and a mobile operator, an ISP, an offline newspaper and several other portals interesting environment for the project Test and improve the software prototypes INPUTS
16th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eTransformation, June 9-11, June NEW FORMS of marketing and distribution INNOVATIVE BUSINESS STRATEGIES that can optimally support the transition to become bigger/better players in the digital contents market Explore the PERFORMANCE of different business strategies under a large variety of scenarios MINIMIZE RISK To be BETTER PREPARED for the changes in new technologies TO ANTECIPATE TO REDUCE gap between the demands of consumers and the problems traditional businesses in the contents market are facing in meeting these demands WHICH payment models are deemed to be accepted by customers?? WHICH are the winning access channels and devices for each digital contents?? WHICH subscription-based model?? REDUCE uncertainty and complexity TO BE ABLE to conduct “what-if” analysis OBTAIN Competitive advantage OUTPUTS VI. WITHIN SIMWEB PROJECT