Under the age of 18 you mustn’t buy alcoholic drinks Drinking alcohol is forbidden until the age of 18 Drinking alcohol is forbidden until the age of 18 There is a restriction for selling and buying alcohol after 10 pm is forbidden too
Under the age of 18 you mustn’t buy cigarette Over the age of 18 you can buy cigarette everywhere You can’t smoke indoor in Turkey
Under the age of 18 you can’t get driving license. Under the age of 17 you can’t drive motorcycle Over 16 you can drive scooters
Teenagers allow to stay outside if their parents give permision Older then 18 years you can go in clubs
Under the age of 18 people can’t have tattoos and piercings without the permission of their parents
You can’t have a phone line under the age of 18
12 years of education is mandatory
IF YOU WANT TO STUDY AT UNIVERSITY First of all you have to graduate from a high school. In the last grade you have to enter a university entrance exam. There are various universities and the marks they want are different of course.
Together with the score you get from the entrance exam they add the score you get from high school subjects. There are 2 exams. In the first exam you have most of the subjects you got in the high school
If you are successful in the first entrance exam you can have the next exam after 3 months. The first exam is in March and the second is in June. İn the second one you have a test according to your branch you are going to study at university.
PART TIME JOBS FOR TEENAGERS On the very first day they start working, employees must have social security insurance. Working hours are fixed. In order to be a part time worker one should work below 30 hours in a week His one hour payment should be parallel to one hour full time job.
VOTING Voting starts at the age of 18. If you want to be a candidate you should be at least 25. If one wants to be a president one should be at least 40.